ACEP at Work: VDOS Project Logbook – Weekly Update

ACEP at Work: VDOS Project Logbook – Weekly Update

Project Description: ACEP’s Video Debris Observation System (VDOS) project consists of designing, constructing, and testing of a rugged remote video observation system to detect river debris with the goal of protecting hydrokinetic turbines. It will be used to monitor surface debris, typically floating logs, at the AHERC Tanana River Test Site to determine the frequency of debris and monitor its interaction with the AHERC Research Debris Diversion Platform.

Progress Update:  With recent short term testing successes, the Video Debris Observation System is now ready for longer term testing.  Researchers will now begin  a two month test to assess how the system might operate over an extended period of time. Specifically, researchers will be making sure the VDOS maintains its ability to to take photos and store them photos without interruption.

Project Lead: Marc Mueller-Stoffels,

Project Engineer: Nicholas Konefal

Project Funding: ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Energy Authority


Photo Caption:  Side view of the VDOS assembled components and test stand.

Photo courtesy of M. Frey, ACEP/UAF.