GUEP Competition Stage 2 Application Submitted
![GUEP Competition Stage 2 Application Submitted](/acep/news/news-archives/2013-2023/media/11-9-2014-GUEP-Application.png)
Led by Mayor Luke Hopkins' office, the Fairbanks North Star Borough has completed the final portion of the application process to enter the Georgetown University Energy Prize (GUEP) competition. The competition focuses on electrical and natural gas energy consumption in residences, schools, municipal buildings and public infrastructure. It will evaluate energy use in 2015-2016 versus 2013-2014, with adjustments for climatic and other factors. ACEP joined with other community organizations in preparations for the competition. ACEP will be beta-testing some novel technology items in support of the community effort. A strong emphasis in the approach planned by FNSB is inter-community sharing of tools, techniques and lessons learned from energy efficiency improvement efforts in multiple locations.
For more information on the GUEP, visit .
Logo courtesy of the GUEP.