Collaboration Flows with MOU between UAF and PNNL

Collaboration Flows with MOU between UAF and PNNL

A greatly expanded engagement between multiple groups at UAF and is articulated in a recently signed Memorandum of Understanding that grew out of interactions between Jeremy Kasper, director for the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Hydrokinetic Energy Research Center at ACEP, and colleagues at PNNL's offices in Seattle and Sequim, Washington.

The MOU will facilitate collaborations involving a much broader range of UAF’s capabilities, including other ACEP organizations, and PNNL.

Among the focus areas proposed are: microgrid energy systems; multi-source data collection, aggregation and analysis; cyber security assessments and technology integration; innovation commercialization, field evaluation and deployment; unmanned systems; and a broad range of water and energy and habitat topics.

A hydrokinetic turbine spins at the Tanana River Test Site. Photo by Todd Paris/UAF.