Denkenberger Meets Billionaire Ben
![Denkenberger Meets Billionaire Ben](/acep/news/news-archives/2013-2023/media/denkenberger.jpg)
Effective altruism is a movement that seeks to do the most good in the world. Part of the movement focuses on the long-term future, and has funded research by ACEP’s Dave Denkenberger on alternate foods for catastrophes.
Denkenberger had a productive visit to San Francisco for the in June.
Watch Denkenberger’s presentation .
The highlight was meeting Ben Delo, who is the U.K.'s youngest billionaire and has been converted to effective altruism for the long-term future. Denkenberger also gave a presentation to the Foresight Institute (which focuses on artificial intelligence and nanotechnology) and to Arup (a building energy efficiency company). He also had over 30 other meetings with foundations, donors and collaborators, including one who was rushing off to give a presentation to the Nobel Prize Committee.
Screen shot of David Denkenberger’s presentation at the Effective Alturism Global conference.