AEA Seeks to Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Network

AEA Seeks to Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Network

The ֱֻ Energy Authority has issued the first two in a series of three solicitations to coordinate and fund publicly available electric vehicle charging stations.

AEA plans to install between 10 and 14 electric chargers along the Railbelt, from Homer and Seward to Fairbanks. Right now, sparsely distributed charging stations make electric vehicles impractical for long drives in ֱֻ.

 Response to the first solicitation, a “,” is due March 8, 2021.

The second, released last week, is a “” for direct-current fast-charging stations. 

The third solicitation in the series will be a “Request for Applications” on March 12.  Find more information at the .

For more information on electric vehicles and beneficial electrficiation, please contact Michelle Wilber at


Southeast Conference's Robert Venables uses a public electric vehicle charging station in Juneau. Photo by Amanda Byrd.