Electrify Everything!?

Electrify Everything!?

Join the final workshop in the series leading up to the ֱֻ Sustainable Energy Conference to find out the answer to that question and much more:
“Electrify EVERYTHING!?” — May 3-4 — 
This workshop will build on the foundation established at the recent Electrify ֱֻ! Conference in Cordova. Ongoing efforts across the state are exploring cold-climate heat pumps, dispatchable thermal loads and electric vehicles of many types (even airplanes!).
  • What best practices are emerging?
  • What makes something work in one location and not another?
  • How can these systems enhance microgrid electrical and financial performance?
  • What don’t we know about space and water heating requirements?
  • Are there lessons learned from rural ֱֻ that could be applied in more urban markets, like the Railbelt?
For more information on the conference or workshop series, visit .
Image designed by Joanne Zulinski. ()