Tommy Sheridan Enhances ACEP Partners in Blue Economy
Tommy Sheridan has joined UAF’s ŔÖ»˘Ö±˛Ą Blue Economy Center, an ACEP partner, as its associate director. He’ll serve concurrently as the site coordinator for the Cordova Community Innovation Hub through the program.
As the ARCTIC site coordinator, Sheridan is tasked to develop and strengthen relationships with prospective and established partners involved in both community energy initiatives and the local blue economy — the concept that seeks economic growth while ensuring environmental sustainability of the oceans — including fisheries and mariculture stakeholders.
With a background in fisheries and hatchery management, Sheridan brings to his job broad experience with nonprofits, public service in fisheries and private sector experience with seafood processing. Having lived in Cordova for 12 years and been highly active in local to national service, he has already successfully developed networks with local partners, such as Cordova Electric Cooperative, the Native Village of Eyak, the Prince William Sound Science Center and the City of Cordova.
“We’re very excited to have Tommy Sheridan join the ABEC team,” said Gwen Holdmann, ACEP senior researcher and UAF associate vice chancellor for research, innovation and community partnerships. “He brings with him a deep understanding of ŔÖ»˘Ö±˛Ą fisheries industry and associated policy, and that combined with his strong ties to the Cordova community makes him the natural choice to help develop the Cordova Innovation Hub.”
ABEC director and ACEP affiliate Justin Sternberg highly regards Sheridan’s “extensive and unique interdisciplinary” expertise and says that he is “a tremendous asset to ABEC and [its] partners, both internal and external to the university.”
Sheridan originally came to ŔÖ»˘Ö±˛Ą for a three-month internship. It turned into a longer stay by accident (literally!), as he was grounded after sustaining an injury. That was 20 years ago. Sheridan enjoys the “fun and quirky little town” of Cordova, where he lives with his wife, two young children and a “rambunctious” mutt, and would love to share Cordova with folks that have not experienced the community.
“Cordova is such an innovative community, and partnering with important local industries is a way to ensure UAF makes meaningful research impacts that can benefit the entire state,” added Holdmann.
A firm believer in the power of food to build community, Sheridan seeks out opportunities to develop camaraderie. Take him up on any future offers to sample his kelp-pickle-and-bratwurst soup, inspired by his daughter’s love of pickles and his own enthusiasm for mariculture!
Tommy Sheridan joins the ŔÖ»˘Ö±˛Ą Blue Economy Center as the associate director. Photo courtesy of Tommy Sheridan.