Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize is the Newest American Made Challenge
![Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize is the Newest American Made Challenge](/acep/news/news-archives/2013-2023/media/EarthShot.png)
The aims to incentivize breakthrough clean hydrogen production technologies to support and Hydrogen Energy Earthshot goals to enable clean hydrogen production at $1 per kilogram. This prize is designed to incubate novel ideas in hydrogen production, particularly from entities that have not previously engaged with the Department of Energy.
The Hydrogen Shot establishes a framework and foundation for clean hydrogen deployment in the , which includes support for demonstration projects. Industries are beginning to implement clean hydrogen to reduce emissions, yet many hurdles remain to deploying it at scale. Currently, hydrogen from renewable energy costs about $5 per kilogram. Achieving the Hydrogen Shot’s 80% cost reduction goal can unlock new markets for hydrogen, including steel manufacturing, clean ammonia, energy storage and heavy-duty trucks. This would create more clean energy jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and position America to compete in the clean energy market on a global scale. These efforts would ensure that environmental protection and benefits for local communities are a priority.
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