Franz Mueter
Chair, Department of Fisheries
President’s Professor of Quantitative Fisheries and Ecosystems
Commercial Fisheries
Fisheries Conservation
Fisheries Ecology
Fisheries Oceanography
Fisheries Population and Biometry
Fisheries Management
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
17101 Point Lena Loop Rd
315 Lena Point Bldg.
Juneau, AK 99801-8344
907-796-5447 (fax)
Office Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays
1:30–3:30 pm
- climate effects on fish populations
- dynamics of exploited populations
- ecosystem oceanography
- quantitative ecology
- marine fisheries
- multivariate analyses
- population ecology
- biostatistics
- fisheries management
My research interests include the effects of climate variability, climate change,
and fishing on marine and anadromous fish populations, particularly in subarctic and
Arctic seas. Most of my research has focused on commercial fish populations in the
Gulf of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ and the Eastern Bering Sea, in particular the effects of variability
in temperature and ice conditions on their distribution, productivity, and abundance.
I am particularly interested in the mechanisms controlling the productivity of individual
populations and in the interactions among different species and functional groups. Much
of my current research is in the Arctic, in particular the life history and dynamics
of Arctic gadids, the impacts of climate change on Arctic marine ecosystems and the
implications of a rapidly changing environment on resource-dependent communities.
I believe that a comparative, macroecological approach offers one of the more promising
approaches to improving our understanding of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Due
to the complexities of marine ecosystems, a mechanistic understanding of populations
in any given system based on detailed process studies is extremely challenging. However,
evidence from individual species or systems, when compared and contrasted across systems,
can greatly strengthen support for or against particular mechanisms. Much of my research
draws on existing environmental and fisheries databases and on surveys conducted around
the circumpolar north. Using multivariate and meta-analytical tools to quantify patterns
of variability within and among different ecosystems, my research aims to identify
the environmental drivers and the ecological principles that help shape marine ecosystems.
My ecological research, combined with active involvement in fisheries management issues,
has contributed to the advancement of ecosystem-based approaches to the management
of marine living resources in the North Pacific. In the face of global environmental
changes that are more pronounced and are occurring more rapidly in the subarctic and
Arctic, I am particularly interested in better understanding and enhancing the resilience
and adaptive capacity of fish populations, coastal communities, and management frameworks
in high-latitude regions.
- . (Funding from NOAA-NOPP with additional funding from BOEM) Lead PI: K. Iken. Co-PIs: S. Danielson, R. Hopcroft, F. Mueter, E. Collins, J. Grebmeier, L. Cooper, R. Bochenek, K. Kuletz, M. Kavenaugh
- Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Survey Phase II (Funding from BOEM, NOAA, NPRB as part of the ). UAF lead: F. Mueter
- Environmental covariates of young of the year sablefish growth and recruitment in the Gulf of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ (F. Mueter, A. Pinchuk, W. Strasburger)
- Ecological controls of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n pollock weight-at-length and size-at-age under rapid environmental change (PI: M. Litzow) Funding from NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy
- Go West: Sea-ice association of polar cod and its prey in the western Arctic Ocean (F. Mueter, A. Pinchuk, H. Flores). Funding from
- A transformative approach to rapidly assess critical life history and energetic responses of fish to environmental change. ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Sea Grant.
- Co-chair, (ESSAS)
- Co-chair, of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
- Member,
- Contributing editor,