Ms. E. Michele Stalder
Dean of the Community and Technical College, Emeritus
WHEREAS Ms. E. Michele Stalder has served the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ with distinction in executive, administrative and staff positions from 1981 to 2023; and she has applied her unstinting hard work, innovation and dedication to develop the UAF Community and Technical College and advocate for its mission; and
WHEREAS Ms. Stalder sought continuously to reduce barriers to postsecondary education; and she conceptualized CTC’s one-stop service where students take academic placement tests, receive advising, register, apply for financial aid and pay fees all in one location; and she pioneered dual enrollment and credit for high school students; and
WHEREAS Ms. Stalder successfully led efforts to ensure that CTC continued to function through the COVID-19 pandemic, producing qualified essential workers for critical enterprises; and she has worked diligently with local businesses and industry to make them partners in CTC’s programs; and she received the 2020 Bernice M. Joseph Education Advocate of the Year Award from the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ expresses its deep appreciation to Ms. E. Michele Stalder for her extensive contributions to the state of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ and to the university; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, in further recognition of the invaluable services rendered by Ms. Stalder and as evidence of the university’s desire that her identification with the university be maintained, hereby salutes the appointment of Ms. E. Michele Stalder as dean of the Community and Technical College, emeritus; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be appropriately engrossed and signed by the chancellor of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ as further evidence of the esteem and respect in which he holds Ms. E. Michele Stalder, and conveyed to Ms. Stalder on this sixth day of May, 2023.