Sexual Assault Awareness Month

From Margo Griffith, director, Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity

April marks the first month of my tenure as director and, nationally, is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I am excited about my new assignment and solving the challenges ahead – and even more excited to think about the positive impacts we can make at the university and within the Fairbanks community.

I thank the ODEO staff, Kevin Calderara and Ana Richards, who are working hard every day to promote diversity and inclusion and foster the intent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title IX. They’ve kept making forward progress and are passionate about their roles here. I look forward to working with them both.

Because ODEO’s role impacts everyone at UAF, you are going to see more of me and my staff as we visit departments to speak with students and employees over the next several months and in the long term.

My charge is to foster an environment where students and employees feel safe, are provided equal opportunities and are part of a welcoming UAF community. This can be achieved with an office that is well-staffed with highly trained and driven personnel, operating with efficient and transparent processes and with effective two-way communication between the office and the people we serve.

A recruitment for an investigator is underway with interviews starting mid-April, a position description for a deputy Title IX coordinator/case manager is drafted, and ODEO staff are attending trainings in areas of Title IX, equal opportunity and ADA.

In addition to getting the department appropriately staffed and trained, we've made progress on tasks listed in UAF’s Voluntary Resolution Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. I met with several students, employees and community members to get feedback and to open the lines of communication. In addition, ODEO will partnering with departments and hosting events to promote safety, diversity and inclusion.

Please consider participating in activities offered throughout the month April. The goal is to raise public awareness and prevention of sexual violence. You can take a stand against sexual assault by joining others within UAF, communities across ֱֻ and the country.

If you are concerned about a UAF student, faculty or staff member, or concerned about behaviors a UAF community member is displaying, the Behavioral Invention Team is available to assist with early intervention and ensure the safety of the campus. is essential to this system working.

We all have a role in safety, diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion at UAF. I firmly believe that as a community we will come together to make this a safer, more inclusive learning and work environment. I look forward to partnering with you to bring this to fruition. Thank you for all that you do at UAF, and I wish you a happy and healthy spring.

Sofie Karasek to speak for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sofie Karasek, co-founder of End Rape on Campus, will speak at UAF at 7 p.m. April 18 in the Hess Recreation Center on the Fairbanks campus.

Resource and Advocacy Center on campus

The Resource and Advocacy Center is staffed by a confidential Advocacy Services Coordinator and three volunteer advocates, to provide confidential support and resources to students, faculty and staff who have experienced or who have been impacted by dating/domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.

The advocates can provide support, information and referral. They can help survivors navigate the various processes they may be involved with, including . Their consultation services are available to UAF students and employees. Call 474-6360 or visit 130 Wood Center.

Run for Respect will promote violence prevention

A 5K walk and run on the Fairbanks campus at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 23, will engage community members in violence prevention programs in Fairbanks. The Run for Respect will start and end at the UAF Police Department. Check-in will begin at noon.

March to 'take back the night' on April 28

The Nanook Diversity and Action Center will host Take Back the Night on April 28 as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The event will begin in Constitution Park at 6 p.m., and the group will march to Troth Yeddha' Park.

Nationally known consultant offers workshops for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Jamie Utt
, a nationally know consultant and trainer, will present three workshops on the Fairbanks campus as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities.
Since 2004, Utt has worked as a consultant, educator and trainer across the United States to build safer, more inclusive and more justice-centered communities. Utt is founder and director of education at , which provides a comprehensive, research-based program to prevent bullying in schools.

Workshops with Utt are free and open to all students. RSVP on . .

Make April a month for green dot actions

In 2015, an estimated 21,401 ֱֻ women experienced domestic or sexual violence. That was 1,783 acts of violence every month. It was 59 women experiencing violence per day in our state.

At that statistical rate, 22 UAF women students experienced domestic or sexual violence each month.

Turn Sexual Assault Awareness Month into Sexual Assault Action Month by making a commitment to make ֱֻ and UAF safer. Together, if we take 400 positive actions to prevent violence in the month of April, we'll generate two "green dots" in opposition to every "red dot" representing an act of violence at UAF during the academic year. Submit your green dot commitment or action , or stop by Arctic Java from April 17-28 to record your green dot.

Attend any of the Sexual Assault Awareness Month events to put your green dot on our campus map. Visit the for other things you can do to reduce the number of people affected by violence. Learn more about Green Dot at UAF at .

No one person can do everything to stop violence, but each one of us can do something.

More events this month

  • April 7, from 1-2 p.m.Beyond the “I”- Taking Collective Responsibility for Leadership and Positive Change at Wood Center
  • April 7 from 5-8 p.m. — Photo Voice Art Show & First Friday 5-8 p.m. at Wood Center
  • April 9 at 12:30 p.m. — Ski for Women, Birch Hill 12:30 p.m.