Regents' Great Hall sprinkler redo to start early June

UAF Design and Construction will begin work on the sprinkler system and complete other upgrades in the Regents' Great Hall about June 13.

The project is delayed from the anticipated June 1 start as UAF is still negotiating costs with the contractor. The delay will not alter the Nov. 1 completion date.

The mandatory project, necessary to meet building codes, will also include abatement of asbestos in the ceilings and the demolition of adjacent wall finishes. A new suspended ceiling will allow access for equipment maintenance. The finishes and lighting in the space will be upgraded and refurbished to create an attractive space for our campus community and visitors.

Depending on funding and the schedule, there are plans to add an elevator to give people with disabilities access to the Rasmuson Library and renovate the restrooms in the corridor southeast of the Great Hall.

The restrooms in the corridor leading from the Great Hall to the library are also scheduled to be renovated this summer.

Event planning on campus

Event coordinators should reserve their venues ahead of time and fill out a as campus space is at a premium with upcoming construction projects and several large events occurring.

Construction updates on the go

You'll find the latest construction updates in the . Simply choose the news icon and select campus construction. today!
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Campus wood floor recoating project to begin in July

UAF Facilities Services has set the floor recoating work schedule to redo the wooden floors at the Davis Concert Hall stage, the Patty Center gym and racquetball courts, the Student Recreation Center dance floor, and the Wood Center ballroom.

Removal of concrete walls will limit access to Wood Center

Construction crews will remove concrete walls from the roof of the Wood Center from June 1-3. Access to the building will be limited, but Dine 49 will remain open.

Patty Center ice arena closed for acoustical panel replacement

The Patty Center ice arena is closed for the summer for acoustical panel replacement. The panels were damaged by mold and mildew caused by condensation from the arena ceiling.

Questions about construction?

If you have questions, please contact UAF Design and Construction at 474-5299.

Please bear with us. We're building the university for the next 100 years!

If you build it, they will come

Early images of the fledgling college on the hill.