As President Jim Johnsen shared in his message to the university community today, Gov. Bill Walker’s proposed FY19 budget includes flat funding for the University of ֱֻ. State funding represents about 38 percent of UAF’s revenue stream and provides the foundation for our teaching, research and service mission.
The governor’s proposal is a starting point for the state budget discussions. Both the House and the Senate will propose their own budgets and together arrive at a single figure that will be proposed to the governor. The legislative session starts on Jan. 16.
Fixed costs typically increase year to year. If, in the end, we receive flat state funding, we will need to balance funding of programs and services against changes in fixed costs. We will start developing budget scenarios in January. I hope to minimize the number of “what if” scenarios we ask units to complete. Developing multiple scenarios can be very time consuming in the midst of an already busy spring semester.
I will do my best to keep you updated as things change throughout the session, and I welcome your ideas for how to manage our budget in the most effective way possible. UAF and the work all of you do here is vital to the future of the communities and state we serve. Thank you for your commitment to UAF, whether it be in research, teaching, service or all three. You are making a better future for ֱֻ.
— Daniel M. White, chancellor