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To: All UAF faculty

Anupma Prakash, provost and executive vice chancellor

Recommendations by the Committee on Governance and Funding Reform at UAA

July 15, 2019

On July 11, the UAA Faculty Senate released a report titled “Recommendations by the Committee on Governance and Funding Reform, July 11, 2019." I first saw a copy of this over the weekend, but some of you who interact with UAA Faculty Senate members may have seen it earlier. You can find the on the announcements page of my website.

The report significantly underplays the budget crisis, has information that is inaccurate, and the recommendations offered are limited in perspective. Chancellor White is working with President Johnsen and with UAA Chancellor Sandeen to highlight UAFs perspective and address UAFs concerns.

Chancellor White and I are also in communication with UAF Faculty Senate leadership, who are aware of this report and are receiving this email. Faculty who have thoughts and concerns should feel free to reach out to the Senate leaders who can also incorporate your views in their future response and related communications.

One of UAFs strategic goal is to embrace and grow a culture of respect, diversity, inclusion and caring. It is important that together we address the current budget issues in a thoughtful, inclusive, and constructive manner.
Thank you all for your support.

Best regards,

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