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Keep up to date with UA COVID-19 information

A backpack and tent sit in a grassy area studded with small evergreen trees, with snow-covered mountains rising in the background.

A half century in a difficult, dynamic place

Dan Mann hands me a clump of orange dirt the size of an almond. He instructs me to put it in my mouth. "What’s it taste like? Does it crunch? Ash crunches because there’s glass fragments in it."

Golden Days parade float 2019Join UAF in Golden Days Grande Parade

Please plan to join us for this year's Golden Days Grande Parade, the first since 2019! UAF will have a large float pulled by a University Fire Department fire truck accompanied by representatives from across the university. Employees, students and alumni are welcome to walk in the parade and will receive a new UAFĚý T-shirt design and N95 masks will be available as well. Family members are also welcome to attend. Come help us decorate the float at the Carlson Center before the parade begins – free coffee and snacks will be available for volunteers. Please read through the and Ěýin advance.

What's happening today

Deadlines and reminders

*** UAF’s Fairbanks campuses are currently at “orange” level for COVID-19 precautions, which requires masking indoors, as well as outdoors when its not possible to stay 6 feet away from other people. Masks will be required and made available at events this week. ***

Teaching Tip: Create accessible content in Google Drive

It’s good practice to scan your files for accessibility before sharing them with a course, website, or listserv. However, Google Drive products have no built-in accessibility checker like Microsoft Office programs do. UA has a license for – an add-on that provides that important functionality.

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all UAF staff and faculty. You can .


UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: .