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Join Nook in showing your Nanook pride during UA Giving Day, Feb. 22-23.

Join us for Giving Day!

Giving Day starts Feb. 22 at midnight and runs for 48 hours through Feb. 23. We're inviting the entire UAF community to join us in participating in UA Giving Day 2023 so all of our alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends can directly support UAF. to see the areas of donation and a breakout of the various challenges posted to supersize your gift. Please consider donating to a program or challenge important to you, andsigning up as ato maximize our support for Giving Day 2023!

Charlene Stern, vice chancellor of rural, community and native education

White Nanook bear logo next to the words Academic Tuesdays against a blue backgroundLast year, UAF's Community and Technical College joined many other units across UAF in embarking on a strategic enrollment planning process. SEP is a data-informed process designed to help groups identify, evaluate and modify strategies and enrollment goals. Through the work of numerous committees driven by faculty and staff, CTC identified several promising strategies to both maximize existing programs and develop new initiatives.

Aerial view of Toolik Field StationToolik Field Station Town Hall on 2023 Operations

Toolik Field Station managers will give an informative overview regarding summer 2023 operations, including updates to the COVID-19 mitigation plan and our summer truck schedule. Following the overview, there will be time for questions and comments. The meeting will be held via Zoom. . A recording will be made available for those who are unable to attend. Please send questions about 2023 operations ahead of time to the Toolik management team atuaf-iab-toolik@alaska.edu.

What's happening today

Deadlines and reminders

President Pat Pitney will provide an updateFeb. 21 from noon to 1 p.m.in the Westmark Gold Room on the important role the University of ֱֻ system has in the state’s economic recovery and in building ֱֻ’s workforce; the contributions of UA’s world-class research; and highlight excellence across the university system.Watch live at.

Photo of Doğacan Ozturk

Science for ֱֻ lecture series: New ways of understanding aurora

On Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Schaible Auditorium, Doğacan Su Öztürk will present a free public talk “Satellites to Cell Phones: New Ways of Understanding the Aurora.” This talk will review current methods and introduce new approaches that help us understand the various aurora forms and how they affect Earth’s upper atmosphere. Learn more.

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all UAF staff and faculty. You can .

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: .