Oct. 8, 2024
Dear UAF students, faculty and staff,
On Sept. 26, 2024, a notification was issued announcing the availability of the annual
security and fire safety report. The ASFSR was revised as of Oct. 8, 2024, and the
revised version is now available (see revision summary below). If you would like to
review the ASFSR, you can (/orca/files/ASFSR.pdf), or stop by the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability
at Constitution Hall, 3rd floor, for a hard copy. If you are unable to access the
office, please call 907-474-7300 and they will be happy to provide you with a copy
of the report.
If you have questions about the ASFSRplease contact ORCA at 907-474-7300 or the UAF
Police Department at 907-474-7721.
Remember, campussafetyis a community effort. If you see something, say something,
do something!
—GraemeAbraham, associate director of institutional compliance
October 8, 2024, Revision Summary
Major Revisions
Minor Revisions
Annual Clery Act Crime Statistics:
Minor column heading formatting corrections
Revised references to “Fairbanks Main Campus” to “Troth Yeddha’ Campus”
For campuses without on campus student housing:
For campuses without non-campus properties:
Added language above the table stating the campus does not have non-campus properties
Grayed the “Non-Campus” column
Changed “0” entries to “-” in the “Non-Campus” column
For Community and Technical College - Aviation Facility and Community and Technical College - Pipeline Service Training Center
Residential Buildings Fire Safety Systems, Drills, and Fire Statistics