UAF's education futures
UAF’s financial structure should be designed around our delivered commodities — education, research, and outreach. We can build a financial structure that allows for this and reduces our dependency on state revenue and oil prices.
Campus doors, guests and pets
Please remember that university facilities remain closed to all but essential workers. Doors should be locked. Please do not bring guests, children or pets into campus facilities.
Denali Lane construction
Denali Lane will remain closed until early May. Tanana Loop is scheduled to be closed at the intersection with Denali Lane from April 25-27.
Distance-delivered food classes
Juneau Cooperative Extension agent Sarah Lewis will offer free distance-delivered food business and food preservation classes this spring. Participants from any location may register online to receive a Zoom link.
GI Tract 5K goes virtual
This year's virtual GI Tract 5K race starts Sunday. Let's all go the social distance!