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Keep up to date with UA COVID-19 information

UAF Chancellor Dan White visits the Story Tent while learning about the ֱֻ Voices podcast during the 2019 Arctic Research Open House.

UAF will host its annual Arctic Research Open House from 4-7 p.m. Thursday.The event will include booths from over a dozenresearch units and facilities at UAF and the National Weather Serviceon UAF’s West Ridge.The theme is “It’s an Inspiring Day in the Neighborhood,” and scientists will share research happening in and around Fairbanks.

Really Free Market returns May 21 to UAF

The ֱֻ will host the Really Free Market recycling event on Saturday, May 21, in the parking lot next to the Lola Tilly Commons. Donated items must be clean, safe and usable. The market has a drive-up lane, and volunteers will be there to help unload donations from 8-10 a.m. The market will only be open to shoppers from 10-11 a.m.

BLaST Scholar Samantha Wade conducts lab work.

BLaST undergraduate student funding available

Applications for the Biomedical Learning and Student Training summer 2022 undergraduate research experience will be accepted until May 29 at midnight. Visit the for requirement information, an online application link, and COVID considerations.

The Student Activities Office is hosting weekly Ice Cream Thursdays this summer. Come on down to the Wood Center for a different-flavored scoop each week. Check out the signs around lower campus to see what is being offered next!

Composite of NASA satellite images capturing the explosive eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai in the South Pacific.

The massive Jan. 15, 2022, eruption of the Hunga submarine volcano in the South Pacific Ocean created a variety of atmospheric wave types, including booms heard 6,200 miles away in ֱֻ. Observations were reported by a team of 76 scientists from 17 nations researching the eruption’s atmospheric waves, the largest from a volcano since the 1883 Krakatau eruption. The team’s work, compiled in an unusually short amount of timedue to significant scientific interest in the eruption, published today in the journal Science.

Wickersham Renewal Construction Start

Construction crews have mobilized to the Troth Yeddha’ Campus for a major renewal of Wickersham Hall. The work will update flooring and painting throughout the residence hall as well as renovate the restroom shared between each pair of bedrooms. To improve security and energy efficiency, new windows will be installed throughout the complex. Residence Life will provide new furniture prior to the building being occupied next spring. Work will occur from May to late November 2022. Contact UAF Facilities Services Division of Design and Construction for more information.

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone student newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed weekly to all students. You can . If you are no longer a student, please contact us at UAF-Cornerstone@alaska.edu.

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