FY27 Budget

In preparation for the FY27 State of 乐虎直播 budget cycle, UAF leadership is soliciting proposals from UAF faculty and staff for state operating base funding or one-time capital research or IT-related projects. 

FY27 begins July 1, 2026 and ends June 30, 2027.

Operating proposals can include projects, staffing, or other operating needs, and are for ongoing base funding. Individual operating requests or combined line items may not exceed $600,000.

Capital research requests are typically large-scale and can include specialized equipment, research or technology equipment, or other research-focused proposals of interest to 乐虎直播 (e.g. energy; food security, etc.). Capital funds are typically one-time funds awarded over a five-year period. Capital research request amounts may exceed $600,000.

If you have ideas that you are considering for submission, please discuss them with your Dean or Director before submission. The Dean or Director may be interested in funding some of those ideas internally, or may elect to combine similar requests before submission. All requests submitted through this form will be forwarded directly to your Dean or Director for review and ranking and they will submit their top 2 operating requests to the Planning & Budget Committee (PBC) for review. Capital requests will be reviewed by PBC separately. All proposals must align with UAF strategic goals and include a firm return on investment projection.

DEADLINE: Friday, January 31, 2025

Please submit your proposal using .

Strategic Enrollment Planning

For proposals related to enrollment management and that are focused specifically on increasing student enrollment and retention, please submit to the Strategic Enrollment Planning (SEP) steering committee using this . Your Dean or Director will be asked to rank all SEP proposals from their unit. Highly ranked SEP proposals will also be reviewed by the Planning & Budget Committee.

DEADLINE: Friday, January 31, 2025

Federal Appropriations

Proposals related to FY27 federal appropriations will be collected via a separate process during fall 2025.

  • November 18, 2024: RFP for FY27 state funding request announced to UAF Troth Yeddha鈥� and community campuses. Discuss your ideas with your dean/director before submitting a proposal.

  • January 31, 2025: Deadline to submit state funding request proposals. Requests will be forwarded directly to your dean or director.

  • February 14, 2025: Deadline for deans and directors to submit their top 2 proposals from their respective units to PBC.

  • February-March 2025: PBC convenes to review and rank proposals. 

  • June 2025: UA System Office provides FY27 budget guidance to universities.

  • September 2025: Selected operating and capital projects included in the FY27 state of 乐虎直播 budget request based on Chancellor and UA System Office feedback.

  • November 2025: Board of Regents approve the UA FY27 budget request.

  • December 2025: Governor releases FY27 budget.

  • January-May 2026: Legislative session.

  • June 2026: FY27 funding outcomes finalized by the state.

  • July 2026: FY begins.