ࡱ>  +bjbjVV <<e#FX X T64. 66666668<;T6   66))) 6) 6))V)12-p1 66061T;L;22&;72H  )     66$$   6    ;         X a:  UAF STAFF COUNCIL 2011 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY BY UNIT Martin Klein, Past President, maklein2@alaska.edu, 474-1599 Maria Russell, President, mtrussell@alaska.edu, 474-7172 Margo Griffith, Vice President, margo.griffith@alaska.edu, 474-6676 Staff Council Office Room 312B SIH P.O. Box 7500-99775 474-7056, fystaff@uaf.edu http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/staff-council/ UNIT 1 Rural campuses under College of Rural & Community Development (CRCD) Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) E. Robert Mackey, Rep (13) Chukchi Campus 442-3400 x115 ermackeyiii@alaska.eduSusan Baird, Alt (13) Kuskokwim Campus 543-4558 smbaird@alaska.edu Kerissa Brady, Rep (13) Kuskokwim Campus kbrady13@alaska.eduEvelyn Pensgard, Alt (13) Kuskokwim Campus 543-4542 epensgar@alaska.edu Bristol Bay Campus Chukchi Campus Kuskokwim Campus Northwest Campus UNIT 2 College of Rural and Community Development (CRCD) Reps and Alts (3 reps, 3 alts) Sara Battiest, Rep (12) 474-5594 smbattiest@alaska.edu Amy Bristor, Alt (12) 455-2858 albristor@alaska.eduBryan Uher, Rep (12) bmuher@alaska.edu Jodi Baxter, Rep (12) 455-2054 jbaxter9@alaska.edu  ֱֻ Native and Rural Development Department (DANRD) Center for Distance Education/Independent Learning (CRCD-CDE) UAF Interior/Aleutians Campuses: Aleutians/Pribilof Center, McGrath Center, Nenana Center, Tok Center, Yukon flats Center, Yukon Koyukuk Center UAF College of Rural and Community Development Office of the Vice Chancellor CRCD College-Wide Support CRCD Health Program CRCD Student & Enrollment Services CRCD Transfer Rural ֱֻ Honors Institute (RAHI) Rural Student Services (RSS) Community and Technical College (CTC) RC Early Childhood CTC General Education CTC Voch Tech UNIT 3 SNRAS, CE&M, INE, SOM Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) Jeffrey Werner, Rep (13) 474-6932 jwwerner@alaska.edu School of Natural Resources & Agricultural Sciences (SNRAS) SNRAS Office of the Director ֱֻ Forestry Experiment Station (AFES) Department of Forest Sciences Geography Department Department of Plant, Animal & Soil Sciences Department of Resources Management College of Engineering & Mines (CE&M) CEM Office of the Dean Civil and Environmental Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining and Geological Engineering ֱֻ Univ. Transportation Center (AUTC) Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Dev. Laboratory Research Units/CEM/Institute of Northern Engineering (INE) ֱֻ Center for Energy and Power (ACEP) Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (MIRL) Petroleum Development Laboratory (PDL) Water & Environmental Research Center (WERC) Math in a Cultural Context School of Management (SOM) UNIT 4 Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB) Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) Sharon Corbett, Rep (12) 474-6517 sacorbett@alaska.edu UNIT 5 Geophysical Institute (G.I.) Reps and Alts (4 reps, 4 alts) Carolyn Simmons, Rep (13) 474-6613 clsimmons2@alaska.edu UNIT 6 School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) Gary Newman, Rep (12) 474-1991 gary@alaska.edu Jennifer Elhard, Alt (12) 224-5261 jaelhard@alaska.eduBen Tucker, Rep (12) 235-5643 bdtucker@alaska.eduHeather Wells, Alt (12) 474-7840 wells@guru.uaf.edu School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Office of the Director Coastal Marine Institute Marine Sciences and Limnology Rasmuson Fisheries and Research Center Fisheries Division: Juneau Center Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Global Undersea Research Unit Marine Advisory Program (MAP) MAP Program Sites: Anchorage, Bethel, Dillingham, Homer, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Petersburg, Nome, Cordova, Juneau, Unalaska Institute of Marine Sciences Sea Grant Seward Marine Center West Coast and Polar Regions Underwater Research Kasitsna Bay Laboratory Fisheries Industrial Technology Center (FITC) UNIT 7 Division of Student Services/Vice Chancellor for Students Reps and Alts (3 reps,3 alts) Mary Sue Dates, Rep (13) 474-7596 marysue@alaska.edu  Division of Student Services/Vice Chancellor of Students Associated Students of the ֱֻ (ASUAF) Career Services Center for Health and Counseling Disability Services Academic Advising Center Office of Admissions and the Registrar Office of Financial Aid Orientation Program Veterans Services Freshman and Transfer Services Residence Life Wood Center Student Life Student Activities Center Upward Bound Upward Bound Math/Science Office of Sustainability UNIT 8 College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Reps and Alts (1 rep, 1 alt) Naomi Horne, Rep (12) 474-6464 nehorne@alaska.edu Office of the CLA Dean CLA AK Native Arts ֱֻ Native Knowledge Network CLA AK Native Language Center CLA AK Native Languages CLA ֱֻ Native Studies CLA Anthropology CLA Art CLA AK Rural Behavior Health Training Academy CLA Anth APUA CLA CXCS Research CLA Instru General CLA Public Service CLA Communication CLA Cross-Cultural Communication CLA English CLA Foreign Languages & Literatures CLA History CLA Journalism CLA Justice CLA Linguistics CLA Military Science CLA Music CLA Northern Studies CLA Phil and Humanities CLA Physical Ed CLA Political Science CLA Psychology CLA Social Work Department CLA Sociology Department CLA Theatre CLA Womens Studies UNIT 9 Chancellors Unit Reps and Alts (5 reps, 5 alts) Heather Leavengood, Rep (13) 474-5735 hleavengood@alaska.edu Juella Sparks, Alt (13) 474-7115 jtsparks@alaska.eduGinny Kinne, Rep (13) 474-1972 vrkinne@alaska.edu Joe Hickman, Alt (13) 474-2644 joseph.hickman@alaska.eduKayt Sunwood, Rep (13) 474-6311 mksunwood@alaska.edu Pips Veazey, Rep (13) 474-5989 adveazey@alaska.edu  Office of the UAF Chancellor Office of the Director of Equal Opportunity Office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity (OMAD) UAF Womens Center UAF Governance Office Office of the Vice Chancellor of Advancement and Community Engagement Office of Advancement Services Office of ֱֻ Relations Office of Athletics and Recreation Office of Intercollegiate Athletic Operations Office of Development Marketing and Communications Office of KUAC FM-TV UAF Cooperative Extension Services/AFES Office of the Provost Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School Office of Faculty Development Office of University Planning UA Press Office Office of International Programs Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) School of Education Office of Summer Sessions Office of Assistant Provost of General Studies Academic Advising Center Honors Program Student Support Services Testing Services Center for Research Services Vice Chancellor for Research Geographic Information Network of ֱֻ Office of Electronic Miniaturization Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Sponsored Programs Tech Transfer Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPScOR) IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) UNIT 10 College of Natural Science and Mathematics (CNSM) Reps and Alts (4 reps, 4 alts) Brad Havel, Rep (12) 450-8710 bahavel@alaska.edu Dawn Dearinger, Rep (12) 474-6294 dmdearinger@alaska.edu Office of the Dean College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM) Biology & Wildlife Chemistry & Biochemistry Geology & Geophysics Mathematical Sciences Physics UA Museum of the North Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC) UNIT 11 Facilities Services (FS) Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) Anne Williamson, Rep (13) 474-2657 aewilliamson@alaska.edu Office of the Vice Chancellor for Facilities and Safety Administration and Real Estate FS Budget and Accounting FS Design and Construction FS Maintenance Recharge FS Operations FS Utilities FS Physical Plant Operations Work and Resource Management Unit 12 Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (VCAS) Reps and Alts (2 reps, 2 alts) Carol Shafford, Rep (12) 474-5413 cashafford@alaska.edu Forrest Kuiper, Rep (12) 474-6931 forrest.kuiper@alaska.edu Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Auxiliary Business Accounting & Business Operations UAF Bookstore Budget & Cost Records Human Resources Procurement & Contract Services Purchasing Receiving Support Services Fire Department Police Department Parking Services Environmental Health &Safety and Risk Management Dining Services UA Tech Center Grant and Contract Services Central Receiving Polar Express Printing Services UAF Business Services Post Office UNIT 13 Rasmuson Library Reps and Alts (3 reps, 3 alts) Walker Wheeler, Rep (13) 474-7173 walker.wheeler@alaska.eduCatherine Williams, Alt (13) 474-7050 cewilliams2@alaska.eduBradley Krick 474-6069 bpkrick@alaska.edu UNIT 14 International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Reps and Alts (1 rep, 1 alt) Travis Brinzow, Rep (12) 474-1960 tbrinzow@iarc.uaf.edu UNIT 15 Office of Information Technology Reps and Alts (3 rep, 3 alt) Richard Machida, Rep (13) 474-7102 rm@alaska.eduBritton Anderson, Alt (13) 450-8300 britton.anderson@alaska.edu Gary Bender, Rep (13) 474-6573 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