The Mission Fulfillment Indicators are result of collaboration between faculty, staff, students and administrators to validate the progress made by UAF in mission fulfillment and help recognize areas for improvement.

Click on each indicator to see the most recent data.

Indicators marked with an asterisk (*) include data broken down by race, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic and first-generation college student status where applicable.

Student Success and Degree Attainment

Students are at the heart of UAF's mission. We are committed to the success of all students.​

The percentage of first-time, full-time students seeking baccalaureate degrees that enrolled in two consecutive fall semesters. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts each spring.

First-Time, Full-Time Retention for AY 2019-2023

The number of enrolled students in one academic year who did not graduate and returned to enroll at UAF the following academic year. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts each spring.

Associate Degree Persistence Rate for AY 2019-2023

Bachelor's Degree Persistence Rates for AY 2019-2023
Master's Degree Persistence Rate for AY 2019-2023

PhD Degree Persistence Rate for AY 2019-2023

The graduation rate of enrolled students as measured by academic cohort and the following completion time frames: Associate (3 years), Bachelor’s (6 years), Master’s (7 years) and PhD (10 years).  This information is collected annually from the Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts.

Associate Degree Graduation Rates for FY 20-24Bachelor's Degree Graduation Rates for FY 2020-2024Master's Degree Graduation Rates for FY 2020-2024

PhD Graduation Rates for FY 2020-2024

The average Course Pass Rate based on a representative selection of 10 general education or prerequisite courses with typically high enrollment numbers and pass rates below 70%. Grades consisting of A, B, C, or Pass are used for the metric.  This information is collected annually from the Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts.

Included Courses: Introduction to Psychology (PSY 101X), Introduction to Business (BA 151X), General Chemistry I (CHEM 105X), Intermediate Algebra (MATH 105), Numbers & Society (MATH 113X), College Algebra for Calculus (MATH 151X), Writing & the Sciences (WRTG 213X), Fundamentals of Biology (BIOL F115X), The Oceans (MSL 111X*) and Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (COJO 121X*) *Changes to course codes were made after the collection of this data.

Gateway Course Pass Rates for FY 2020-2023


UAF is a Land, Sea and Space Grant university, and research is integral to our identity, mission and goals.

The number of masters and Ph.D. degrees and graduate certificates awarded by UAF by academic year.  Disaggregated by race, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic status, and first-generation college student status. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts.

Graduate Degrees Awarded for AY2019-2023

The ratio of the total amount of research expenditures for the year, divided by the full-time equivalent number of faculty who have research expectations in their workloads. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner HR for FTEs.

Research Expenditures Ratio per Faculty FTE for FY 2020-2024

The ratio of the total faculty publications for the year, divided by the full-time equivalent number of faculty who have research expectations in their workloads. Collected annually by the Accreditation and Assessment Office through the Scopus for Publications and Banner HR for FTEs.

Publications Per Faculty FTE for FY 2020-2024

The number and percentage of academic degree programs that require students to complete an undergraduate research and/or scholarly activity project that leads to the formation or creation of new information and/or a product. Collected by the Accreditation and Assessment Office through the Academic Program Review Reports each spring.

Note: The 2022-2023 data includes participation from all programs, not just undergraduate programs. Subsequent years' data will be limited to undergraduate programs only.

Undergraduate Research Participation for AY 2022-2023

Skilled Workforce

UAF's mission includes educating students for active citizenship and preparing them for lifelong learning and careers. We play a key role in preparing ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥'s workforce.

The number of graduates in programs designated as high-demand job area degrees, as defined by UA in collaboration with ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts.

Included Areas: teacher education, oil and gas, natural resource development, mining, information technology, hospitality and tourism, health, fisheries and marine science, construction, transportation and aviation, and administration and finance. 

Number of Graduates in High-Demand Workforce Areas from FY2020-2022

Note: Most recent data available as of 2/2025

The student completion of courses designated as internship or practicum courses, with a grade of A, B, C or Pass. Collected annually on an academic year basis. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems and Banner SI Closing Extracts each spring.

Student Participation in Internships and Practicums from FY 2020-2023

The percentage of UAF graduates who are employed in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ within 1 year. This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the State of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Department of Labor annual report.

Graduates Employed in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ for FY 2022

Note: Most recent data available as of 2/2025

The percentage of graduates from all degree levels (except PhD) at UAF who enroll in further higher education with 3 years of completing their degrees.  This information is collected annually by the Office of Planning, Analysis & Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information Systems, Banner SI Closing Extracts and the National Student Clearinghouse.

Graduates Continuing on to Further Education 2017-2020

Community and Belonging

UAF is committed to fostering a welcoming, respectful, and supportive community.

Disaggregated employee composition. This information is collected by the Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research (PAIR) from the UA Information systems and Banner HR per semester and reported annually. 

The percentage of respondents (UAF students, faculty, staff and administrators) to the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium's  who say that they are satisfied with the campus climate. The survey is administered by the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability every two years.

Campus Climate Survey Results for 2021-2022Note: Most recent data available as of 2/2025