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Keep up to date with UA COVID-19 information

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Friday Focus: Satisfying the laws of conservation

— By Dan White. I happen to really like equations. Mathematical formulations for how the world works. Engineers borrow these equations from the basic sciences to understand or design our built and natural environments.

A bus covered in snow sits in a wooded area.

Bus 142 to embark on final journey

In a cavernous room within the university's new engineering building, a bus squats on four flat tires. In this place, the 1946 International Harvester model K-5 looks small, for maybe the first time in its eventful existence.

What's on today

Deadlines and reminders

UA Board of Regents public testimony

The UA Board of Regents will hold a public testimony session Monday, Nov. 1, from 4-5 p.m.

WICHE educational technologies annual meeting

UAF faculty and staff are invited to attend a virtual conference on effective practices and solutions in higher ed during the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies' annual meeting Nov. 2.

Game night planned for Nov. 5

The UAF University Advocacy Committee and UAF Esports will host a game night for staff, faculty and students on Nov. 5.

About Cornerstone

The Cornerstone employee newsletter is produced by University Relations and emailed to all UAF staff and faculty. You can .


UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: .