Our Team

The Department of Tribal Governance is constantly growing our team to build expertise and reach new communities. We are a statewide program that understands the unique differences in tribal governance across the state. Contact us to let us know how we can best serve your education goals and community needs.

Michelle Demmert, J.D. (Tlingit)

Michelle Demmert, J.D. (Tlingit)

Assistant Professor

Kevin M. Illingworth, J.D.

Kevin M. Illingworth, J.D.

Professor & Department Chair

Carrie Stevens, M.I.I.M

Carrie Stevens, M.I.I.M

Associate Professor and Department Chair

Laurie Trotta

Laurie Trotta

Program Coordinator

Laura Zimin, M.A. (Alutiiq)

Laura Zimin, M.A. (Alutiiq)

Assistant Professor

Bristol Bay Campus


Affiliate Faculty

Jim Simon, PhD

Jim Simon, PhD

Affiliate Professor

Si摹vanna (Meghan) Tapqaq, J.D. (I帽upiaq)

Si摹vanna (Meghan) Tapqaq, J.D. (I帽upiaq)

Affiliate Professor

Image at top: Drying salmon at Pawik (title taken from image). National Geographic Society Katmai expeditions photographs, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of 乐虎直播 Anchorage. UAA-hmc-0186-volume8-6599.