Rhiannon Cottle
Intern- Disney College Program
Walt Disney World Resort
Orlando, Florida
Spring 2025

Ashley Burnette
Chief Scientist Intern
Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy (CMERA)
Clearwater, Florida
Summer 2025

Hannah Greene
Film and Performing Arts
Mentor: Carrie Baker
2020 University Resident Theatre Association Auditions
(Chicago, Illinois)

Linnaea Doerner
Fisheries & Marine Sciences
Mentor: Lara Horstmann
2025 ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Marine Science Symposium
(Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥)
Kevin Carroll
Mentor: Jamie Smith
Pastel Workshop: Susan Kuznitsky's "DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK"
(Mount Vernon, Washington)
David McCain
Mentor: J. Jason Lazarus
Workshop & Portfolio Reviews: Society for Photographic Education 2025 Annual Conference
(Reno, Nevada)

BreAnna Smith
Wildlife Biology & Conservation
Mentor: Diana Wolf
The Wildlife Society- ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chapter Annual Meeting
(Juneau, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥)
Group Award
Students (L-R): Elise Wood (One Health), Marcelo Ketzler-Lopez (Accounting), Nathan
McCotter (Business Administration)
Mentor: Jillian Kates
American Indigenous Business Leaders Annual Conference (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Group Award
Students: Alex Armstrong (Electrical Engineering), Blake Bushnell (Electrical Engineering),
Casey Lambries (Mechanical Engineering)
Mentor: Michael Hatfield
Group Award
Students: Joules Evergreen (Electrical Engineering), Jack Kendall (Computer Engineering),
Koen Ross (Electrical Engineering)
Mentor: Richard Wies Jr.
Petie Deveer & Hailey Hodgins
Computer Science & Mathematics
Mentor: Dayne Broderson
Anastasia Chen
Mentor: William Simpson
James Phillips & Chelsea Wettroth
Biological Science
Wildlife Biology & Conservation
Mentor: Todd Brinkman
Wildlife Biology & Conservation
Mentor: Cristina Hansen
Student Spotlight
Samuel Alexander
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native Language Center
Recording lab for student-led revitalization of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native languages
Tate Barhaug
Leah Brown
Secondary Education
Meeting OWL 3 conference camera for equitable instruction in hybrid classes
Tammy Buonasera
Equipment for Proteomic Research and Student Training: Applications to Human Skeletal Remains and Archaeological Materials
Patricia Carlson
Do you see what I see? Magnifying Jewelry Instruction
Bryant Chow
Geophysical Institute
Upgrading a high-precision gravimeter for improved hands-on lab experience in an undergraduate geophysics course
Shannon Doherty
iPad for Interactive Oceanography Lectures
Alex Gagne-Hawes
Theatre and Film
Speaker for the House
Matthew Gilbert
Biology and Wildlife
Personal electrocardiogram (EKG) monitors to enhance undergraduate education in physiology
Scott Hansen
McGown Room Classroom AV
Cecile Lardon
Testing an ePortfolio approach to outcomes assessment
J. Jason Lazarus
New Photography, Videography & Graphic Arts Computers for ART's Shared Lab Space
Quetzal Luebke-Laroque
Electrical Engineering
Upgrading a Vacuum Chamber with a Residual Gas Analyzer
Charles Mason
Science and Environmental Journalism
Digital Video Cameras for SEJ Students
Michael Roddewig
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Acquiring a State-of-the-Art Development Platform to Modernize the Undergraduate Digital Signal Processing Learning Experience
Bree Smith
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Todd Brinkman
Identifying the Presence of Little Brown Bats on UAF North Campus and Trail System
Joseph Storm
Physics Lab Computers
Diane Wagner
Biology and Wildlife
Mini-temperature loggers for undergraduate inquiry
Eli Wilson
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
HOBO TidbiT MX Temperature and Water Presence Loggers
Theodore Krauss
Natural Resources and Environment
Mentors: Christina Buffington & Cory Whiteley (Tanana Valley Watershed Association)
Battery Bank Prototype Group
(L-R): Lindy Guernsey, Max Johnson, Audrey Eikenberry, Jessica Pennock
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mentor: Richard Wies Jr.
Static Flow Group
(L-R): Dakota Peterson-Thompson, Margaret McCormick, Connor Sosebee
Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Rorik Peterson
Vivian Palmer
Mentor: Peter Delamere
Conference of Undergraduate Women in Physics
Stanford, California
Native ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Business Leaders (NABL) Club
(L-R): Marcelo Ketzler-Lopez (Accounting), Shaina Atcherian (Applied Business), Elise
Wood (One Health), Aiyana Fragoso (not pictured, Business Administration)
Mentor: Jillian Bjornstad
American Indigenous Business Leaders Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada
Group Award
Students: Paradise Porter, Daniel Kahle, Gavin Brennan, Gavi Ximenez, Chel Boue, Julia
Lockwood, Noah Morgan
Mentors: Chisato Murakami and David Henry
19th Annual ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Association of Teachers of Japanese ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Speech Contest
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥

Madelyn Brennan
Mentor: Sarah Rice
International Hibernation Symposium
Mont-Tremblant, Québec, Canada
Cole Osowski
Political Science
Mentor: Brandon Boylan
Student Conference on U.S. Affairs
West Point Military Academy, Orange County, New York

Group Award
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting
(Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Mentor: Patrick Druckenmiller
Daniela Barrera Guevara
A new juvenile bonebed of chasmosaurine ceratopsids from the Upper Campanian Cerro del Pueblo Formation, Coahuila, Mexico: affiliation to the Pentaceratops-lineage of southern Laramidial
Xochitl Muñoz
A comparatively large-bodied, high-latitude therian from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Prince Creek Formation of northern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ (USA)
Tane Timling
Digital Journalism
Mentor: Erin Trochim
American Geophysical Union- 2024 Annual Meeting
(Washington, D.C. )
Miles Cowles
Shark Program Intern
Go Dive Mossel Bay
Mossel Bay, South Africa
Spring 2024

Paul Menke
Ted Stevens Legislative Internship
Juneau, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Spring 2024

Shelby Thompson
Intern, California Killer Whale Project
Monterey Bay, California
Spring 2024

Hannah Miller
Cruise Volunteer
University of California, San Diego & Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CalCOFI
San Diego, California
Spring 2024

Cori Patchkofsky
Doctor Assistant & Intern
Hartford Healthcare
Hartford, Connecticut
Summer 2024

Jackson Nelson
Summer Project Development Intern
Torchgrab Africa
Denver, Colorado
Summer 2024

Dorothy Sherer
Refuge Management Intern
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge
Evansville, Indiana
Summer 2024

Zachary Macintyre
Disaster Services Intern
American Red Cross of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Fairbanks, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Summer 2024

Iva Thomason
Advanced Materials Research Institute- University of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Summer 2024

Tatianna Krueger
General Animal Care Intern
Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center
Topeka, Kansas
Summer 2024

Sasha Bitzer
Assistant Professor of Printmaking & Painting
Student: Reily Dixion
Cognitive Cryogenics Highlight
Jaunelle Celaire
Professor of Voice & Music Department Chair
(L-R): Dario Martin, Olivia Buzby, Grace Farrell, Alexia Devine, Steven Anderson, Jaunelle Celaire, Mari Ana Beks, Ellie Martinson, Lucil McWilliams,
Florian Hofmann
Research Assistant Professor,
Geophysical Institute
Students: Cori Patchkofsky (L), Ada Causey (R)
Deanna Strohm
Project Biologist/ Laboratory Manager,
Institute of Arctic Biology
Student: Paul Lecheung
Naoki Takebayashi
Associate Professor of Biology
(L-R): Diana Wolf, Denali Crawford, Naoki Takebayashi, Steffi Ickert-Bond, James Phillips,
Gaku Amada
Ryan Owens
Mentor: Emily Peterson
Student Spotlight
Iva Thomason
Fisheries & Marine Sciences
Mentor: Sarah Ellen Johnston & Paige Kehoe
Student Spotlight
Sydney Almgren
E-Gel Power Snap for Essential Gel Electrophoresis Analysis
Abhijit Dandekar
Petroleum Engineering
Electronic Drilling Simulator
J. Jason Lazarus
Communications and Journalism
Revitalizing COJO's Student Use Lab
Jamie Smith
Drawing Studio Projector Upgrade
Leah Berman
Mathematics and Statistics
iPads for Mathematics & Statistics Teaching and Tutoring
Elaine Drew
Improving Equity and Inclusion in Research Methods Training in Medical Anthropology
Brendan Graham
Institute of Arctic Biology
The impact of wildfires on the vocal output of boreal bird communities
Anna Medina
Leica K3C Camera & Measurement Software for Image Analysis
Christian Stettler
Social Work
The Critical Social Worker
Carolyn Comiskey
Ergonomic Lab Stools
Virginia Golsan
Early Childhood Education, CTC
Increasing Student Learning Through Guided Reflection
Sarah Ellen Johnston
Chemistry and Biochemistry
A simple water quality probe for undergraduate research and education
Da-ka-xeen Mehner
Digital Imaging of Artwork Project
Yin Zhang
Petroleum Engineering
CYDAR software to help undergraduate students learn fluids flow in porous medium
Group Project
Sam Dempster
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Jessie Young-Robertson
American Geophysical Union,
Chicago, Illinois

Olivia Buzby
Music Education
Mentor: Jaunelle Celaire
InterHarmony Music Festival,
Piedmont, Italy

Ariana Lopez
Music Education
Mentor: Jaunelle Celaire
InterHarmony Music Festival,
Piedmont, Italy

Group Award
Mentor: David Henry
18th ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ State Japanese Speech Competition,
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥

(L to R: Robin Parker, Bethany Cohen, Mikkel Chynoweth, Owen Bradley, Ko Roberts)
Group Award
Mentor: Michael Hatfield
AIAA Design-Build-Fly Competition,
Tucson, Arizona

Seth Thomas, Ethan Hoover, Casey Lambries, Micah Vanderhart, Jasmin Holst, Kathryn Finley, Wyatt Richards
Meredith McMahon
Mentor: Robin Shoaps
12th International Gender and Language Conference
Brisbane, Australia

T. Womack
Mentor: Carrie Baker
Valdez Theater Conference,
Valdez, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥

Aaron Marlow
Mentor: Yelena Matusevich
Laval University French Language Intensive and Workshop,
Quebec City, Canada

Vadim Bledsoe
Mentor: Yelena Matusevich
Montpellier French Language School Summer Intensive Program,
Montpellier, France

Zoe Schneider
Mentor: Yelena Matusevich
Laval University French Language Intensive Program, Quebec City, Canada

Audrey Eikenberry
Mentor: Phylicia Cicilio
North American Power Symposium,
Asheville, North Carolina

Xochitl Munoz
Mentor: Patrick Druckenmiller
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio

Giovanna Wilde
Mentor: Eve Ryan
“Exploring Equity and Methodological Advancements to Transform Academic Discourse
Teaching and
Research" Conference
Los Angeles, California

Jessie Skalisky
Mentor: Katie Spellman
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Invasive Species Workshop
Sitka, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥

Kristal Bozeman
Fairbanks Veterans Court
Summer 2023

Ethan Stone
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Zoo
Summer 2023

Jillian McCarley
Fairbanks Community Restorative Justice Initiative
Summer 2023

Jung Woo Maeng
Fairbanks Community Restorative Justice Initiative
Summer 2023

Grace Hopkins
American Red Cross
Summer 2023
Alexander Long
Seed Media
Summer 2023

Jennie Reynolds
Fairbanks Community Restorative Justice Initiative
Fall 2023

Ben Barst
Research Assistant Professor, Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC)
Students (L- R): Jenni Klebesadel, Apryle Collison, Heather McKenzie

Maher Al-Badri
Electric and Computer Engineering
Laboratory Supplies for Teaching and Research
Nathan Belz
Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering
UAF Concrete Canoe
Cheng-Fu Chen
Mechanical Engineering
Dissipative Coating for Electrostatic Discharge Management and Dust Mitigation --
Protocol Development and Characterization
Brian Hemphill
Stabilization of Dental Casts
Joseph Holt
Ice Box Literary Journal
Lara Hortsmann
Marine Biology
Bowhead Whale Ovarian Analysis
William Howard
Chemistry and Biology
New Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Drugs
Mary-Beth Leigh
Institute of Arctic biology
Characterizing the immune response of aspen to a fungal pathogen using low-input RNA sequencing
Andrés López
Barcoding ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥'s freshwater fishes in support of environmental DNA research
Jingqiu Mao
Advancing undergraduate research and workforce development through survey grade GPS technology and field-based learning
Rorik Peterson
Mechanical Engineering
Carbon Fiber Filament for new 3D Printer
Alexei Rybkin
Mathematics and Statistics
Fast numerical solver to evaluate tsunami wave run-up.
Sarah Stanley
InsideOut StoryLab
Dianan Wolf
Biology and Wildlife
DNA sequencing to identify ingredients of herbal supplements
Matthew Balazs and Reyce Bogardus
Arctic Coastal Geoscience Lab
Bolstering education, research, and outreach using Immersive Virtual Reality
Patricia Carlson
Jewelry Art
Handmade Jewelry Made Easier
Phylicia Cicilio
PowerFactory Student Licenses
Morag Clinton
Veterinary Medicine
NIS Elements Software for Histology Analysis
Alex Cornwell
Veterinary Medicine
Countess 3
Justin Cramb
Zooarchaeology Teaching Collection: Continued Improvements
Margaret Darrow
Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering
Modernizing the field mapping experience with GeoPads - Year 2
Arghya Kusum Das
Computer Science
High-Performance Computing Server to Improve the Learning and Research Experience of Computer Science Students
Rob Duke
UAS “Drone†Research in Public Safety Practice
Scott Hansen
Fine Arts Complex Networked Audio Upgrade
Darcy Harrod
Student Support Services
Student Support Services Technology Loan Program Expansion
Charles Mason
Communication and Journalism
Epson Printers for Photography Program
Kimberly McGinnis
Business Administration
Capital IQ market research
Rorik Peterson
Mechanical Engineering
Carbon Fiber 3D Printer for Design Lab
Sean Regan
3D visualization and analysis of microCT data for the geosciences
Aaron Salzman
Opportunity for Career Advancement Through Content Creation
Diana Wolf
Biology and Wildlife
Students prepare DNA for sequencing at home
Microfluidic Syringe Pump
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Cheng-Fu Chen
Students: Max Brinker, Bremner Nickisch, Logan Borger
Documentation and Analysis of the Cripple Creek Restoration Project (After Initial
Natural Resource Management
Mentor: Christi Buffington
Students: Susan Glade, Maggie House
Sex Education and Female Pleasure; A Comparison Between the United States and Germany
Mentor: Christopher Miller
Students: Colleen File, Sophie Schilling
Beyond the Single Story: Domestic Violence Survivors and Incarceration
Interdisciplinary Studies
Mentor: Sarah Stanley
Students: Stephanie Sutton, Samantha Taylor
Musical Theatre Outreach
Mentor: Jaunelle Celaire
STUDENTS: Benjamin Anderson, Madeline Andriesen, Grace Farrell, Ellie Martinson, Mariana Beks, Ariana Lopez, Taylor Hendricks, Arianna Carroll
Ester Seed Library Revitalization
Mel Durrett
Staff, Institute of Arctic Biology
STUDENT: Lillian Nelson and Ashlyn Squier
Srijan Aggarwal
Water and Environmental Research Center
Epifluorescence microscope for microplastics detection in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Maher Al-Badri
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electromagnetic Simulation Software for Undergraduate/Graduate Teaching and Research
in Power Engineering
Patricia Carlson
Art Department
Jewelry Techniques Up Close
Jaunelle Celaire
Music department
Davis Hall telecommunication upgrade
Justin Cramb
Zooarchaeology Teaching Collection Improvement and Database Integration
Margaret Darrow
Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering
Modernizing the field mapping experience with GeoPads.
Janice Dawe
One Tree ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Generation OneTree: Each Tree Tells a Story
Scott Goddard
Mathematical Sciences
Portable on-screen mathematical notating hardware
Thomas Green
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Software for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Carolyn Hamman
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
The purchase of continual environmental data recording units for use in Prudhoe Bay, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Ute Kaden
School of Education
Pre-service teacher video supervision and instructional support
Jochen Mezger
Digital geologic mapping with mobile devices
Robert Prince
HoloLens 2
Derek Sikes
Museum of the North
Computer upgrade for Entomology High Resolution Focus Stacking Imaging System
Sarah Stanley
Short Story Cube Dispenser for UAF Student Engagement in Literacy Research
AIAA Design-Build-Fly
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Michael Hatfield
Students: Joshua MacEachern, Zion Alioto, Louis Bastille
Aurora Robotics
Computer Science
Mentor: Orion Lawlor
Students: Brayden Banhke, Millar Arnold, Matt Perry, Logan VanClifford
Determining the Auditory Capability of Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) Using Classical
Institute of Arctic Biology
Mentor: Todd Brinkman
Students: Brian Zhang, Aidan Hunter
Opera Outreach Workshop
Mentor: Jaunelle Celaire
Students: Madeline Andriesen, Jenna Dreydopel, Taylir Hendricks, Jonathan Lange, Ariana Lopez, Ellie Martinson, Lindsay Moisan
Alex Ashford
Mentor - Claudia Ihl
With this project, I am seeking to sample and analyze muskoxen forage samples from
disturbed feeding areas in and around Nome, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ for differential nutrient and mineral
composition on mine tailings in comparison to naturally disturbed gravel bars. This
may help explain why muskoxen are present and foraging in the city of Nome.
Abby Amick
Mentor - Jennifer Guerard
This project will use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to analyze pore
water samples from permafrost and non-permafrost lakes in the Fairbanks area. By analyzing
the composition of organic matter at different depths in the lake beds, we hope to
better understand how climate change affects thawing permafrost lakes.
Madeline Andriesen, Jenna Dreydoppel, Taylor Hendricks, Jonathan Lange, Lindsay Moisan,
and Phoenix Williams
Music Education and Vocal Performance
Mentor - Jaunelle Celaire
This outreach will include opera workshop performances by the UAF voice students at
various Anchorage middle and high schools. The program will be sung in the original
Zachary Barnes, Zion Alioto and Hannah Fontecchio
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Michael Hatfield
The UAF Aeronautics Club is competing in the 2020 AIAA Design-Build-Fly competition.
The team will be designing, building, and flying a remote-controlled aircraft that
fulfills the design requirements and rules of the international competition.
Rowan Biessel
Mentor - Franz Meyer
Vertical movement of the ground over volcanoes can potentially be a sign of future
activity. This can be measured using remote sensing, but the signal can be distorted
in the atmosphere. So that we can automatically monitor volcano deformation, I want
to see how different volcanoes are affected by atmospheric errors.
Katelynn Bushnell
The inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) can have several sorts of effects on
the environment in developing countries. My research seeks to contribute to the debate
by asking: What is the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on China’s environment,
for a given level of economic growth?
Emily Cohen and Aidan Earnest
Political Science
Mentor - Alex Hirsch
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ currently faces a sexual violence epidemic, with sexual assault rates three
times the national average. Our project will comparatively analyze states’ statutory
consent laws and the significant impact of these laws on sexual crime rates, ultimately
producing a definition of consent to be implemented into ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Statute.
Jalen Cox
Mentor - Jeff Benowitz
We aim to test if about 20,000 years ago a glacial outburst megaflood drained through
the Matanuska Valley sourced from Glacial Lake Atna which covered much of the Copper
River Basin at this time. Our tests will determine if “megaflood†sediment samples
from the Matanuska Valley, are from Lake Atna.
Nick Hasson
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mentor - Jennifer Guerard
Inside of the U.S. Army Permafrost Tunnel near Fairbanks, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ (CREEL), we will
determine the significance of Magnetotactic bacteria and single-domain magnetite in
hemipelagic loess sediments, which have important implications for astrobiology and
climate. The unrepresented in-situ tunnel access and loess magnetic susceptibility
record is important terrestrial proxy for Mars analogs.
Alexandra Keller
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mentor - Tom Green
Using capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence to separate the stereoisomers
of sphingosine and sphingosine-1-phosphate. Sphingosine kinase will be used to phosphorylate
sphingosine and enzymatic kinetics will be determined by capillary electrophoresis.
Competitive inhibition of sphingosine kinase is expected by the unnatural stereoisomers
compared to natural extracted sphingosine.
Lauren Livers
Mentor - Elisabeth Nadin
I intend to get ages and compositions of two igneous rock bodies that cut across basin
sediments in southern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥. This data will test if these rocks belong with a widespread
family of similar-looking igneous rocks in the area, and also document when stress
in the basin was extensional.
DeAnna Lowden
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mentor - Kelly Drew
This project uses the knowledge gathered from hibernating arctic ground squirrels
and their mechanism for saving energy during the cold months. We are mimicking this
response with the use of developmental drugs to potentially treat people who suffer
from cardiac arrest to improve their survival rates.
Kellie Lynch
Interdisciplinary Studies
Mentor - Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
This project will apply participatory action methodologies to explore cross cultural
comparative music by introducing Gamelan music, an Indonesian music that is played
on metallophones and gongs. We will also teach Athabascan fiddling; a transmitted
culture from western influence melded with traditional dance that has been integrated
into yearly Athabascan gatherings.
Gabriel Madore
Natural Resource Management
Mentor - Chris Maio
My research project will be an attempt to identify the many different pollutants and
their concentrations within the Chena River, both upriver and downriver of Fairbanks.
Heavy metals, perfluorooctanoic acid, fecal matter and nitrate being the pollutants
that will specifically be sought out and tested for.
Rodney Tracht
Mentor - Jennifer Peterson
This study aims to confirm the relationship between social media use and the amount
of loneliness experienced by adults 60 or older. This study will attempt to show a
correlation between increased social media use and a lessening of the feelings of
loneliness among this group of people.
Sierra vonHafften
Natural Resource Management
Mentor - Christina Buffington
I will research the relationship between air quality and the potential effects that
it may have on the water quality in the Fairbanks area through the absorption of said
pollution by precipitation. Testing conducted will include PM2.5 levels, pH and the
concentrations of nitrogen, sulfur, and ammonia.
Phillip Wilson
Mentor - Dan Mann
Little is known about the prehistoric surges of the Black Rapids Glacier despite the
threats these surges pose to the Trans-ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Pipeline and Richardson Highway. My
goal is to reconstruct the history of glacier surges and outburst floods from lakes
dammed when this glacier advanced across the Delta River valley.
Anthony Zizza, Kyle Jones, Joseph Becker and Ron Hansen
Mentor - Chengfu-Chen
Our senior project group is currently working on a redesign of Dr. Chen's current
stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) equipment. This will provide the university a safe,
fast and compact setup to perform the testing of a specimen under a tensile load within
a corrosive environment.
Nicole Baird
Updating UAF Clinic to Support Telehealth and SecureVideo
Leah Berman
Increase Web Conferencing Capacity for Mathematics and Statistics
William Burt
Bringing student-led data collection into Oceanography classrooms using a Radon Detector
Emily Dreher
Student Support Services
Technology Loan Program Expansion
Elaine Drew
Training students in medical anthropology research
Rob Duke
Technology Support for Restorative Justice Outreach and Research
Automation Controls learning alternatives for working Process Technology students
Brian Ellingson
Process Technology
Automation Controls learning alternatives for working with Process Technology students
Alexis Will
Biological Sciences
Are St. Lawrence Island seabirds in trouble?
Kayli Brueniger, Leslie Seigfried, Rodney Tracht, Sarah Levy, and Maren Dodson
Western Psychological Association Convention (WPA)
San Francisco, California
Shedding Light: Factors Related to Well-Being During Winter Across Latitudes
Mary Conlin
Film and Performing Arts
New York City, New York
University Resident Theatre Association 2020 National Unified Auditions
Kyle Callegari, Asia Sampson and Michael Apperson
Biological Sciences
Annual Meeting of The ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Entomological Society
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Asia: A preliminary forensic entomological study in interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, USA; Kyle: Arthropod Diversity Indoors at High-Latitude; Michael: Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Stable biomass of Culicidae spanning a decade Mosquito (Diptera:
Culicidae) biomass in interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Joseph Egbejimba
Mechanical Engineering
Effective Altruism Global: San Francisco 2020
Microbial Food Production
Mechanical Engineering
2020 Region VI Student Conference
Portland, Oregon
Vertical Take Off and Landing Conversion
Jason McKee, Jesse Nix, Caitlynn Hanna, Wenshi Fraser, Monroe Morris, Jenni Kelbesadel,
Josh Klina, and Jordan Zelhuber
Civil and Environmental Engineering
ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Washington
Umiaq 2020, The ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥â€™ Concrete Canoe
Tibor Dorsaz
9th Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference
Annapolis, Maryland
Clam predation patterns as a way of understanding community impacts from sea star
wasting disease
Autumn Fournier
9th Naval Academy Science and Engineering Conference
Annapolis, Maryland
Paleo-storm Records from Cape Espenberg, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Past, Present, and Future
Nick Hasson
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Harbin Forum for Polar Environment and Ecosystem, Heilongjiang province, People's
Republic of China
Trace metal requirements for microbial enzymes involved in the production and consumption
of methane in thermokarst lakes of interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Eleanor Lynch, Katherine Leinberger, and Lucie Anderson
Conference on Community Writing
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Strategies And Tactics In Learning Network Design For Writers Inside And Out Of Carceral
Sarah Manriquez
International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Finding Home, solo exhibition
Kendrick McCabe
Human Research and Review Board 2019 Bi-Annual Research Conference
Window Rock, Arizona
Reclaiming Traditional Names to Promote Dine (Navajo) Language and Culture
Conner Truskowski
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
San Francisco, California
Virtual Reality Modelling of the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel Outside Fox, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Phillip Wilson
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
San Francisco, California
Prehistoric Surges of the Black Rapids Glacier, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Using the Past to Assess Future
Jamie Clark
Engaging undergraduates in zooarchaelogical research at the Croxton Site (Tukuto Lake,
Northern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥)
Clark, Taylor Vollman and other undergraduates will research materials from a site
that is believed to have served as a focal point for hunting/processing during seasonal
caribou migration through the Brooks Range. Students will be involved in basic data
collection and more specialized analyses; with the goal of creating a series of publications.
Carie Green
Children’s environmental identity development in an ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n rural and non-rural context
Green and her undergraduate students will conduct a participatory longitudinal project
utilizes multiple methods (parent surveys, children’s drawings and descriptions, child-led
nature tours using wearable cameras, and educational approaches) to investigate the
emotional and behavioral processes of children’s environmental identity development
in an ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n non-rural and rural village context.
Tracie Haan and Taylor Seitz
Biology and Wildlife
Antibiotic Exploration in Sub-Arctic Soils
Haan and Seitz will host a multi-day workshop unearthing antibiotics from Fairbanks
soils. Undergraduates will have the opportunity to learn methods and techniques needed
to produce cutting edge microbiological research, from the formulation of a research
question to bacterial culturing, antibiotic production assays, and whole genome sequencing
of antibiotic producing bacteria. By the end of the workshop, undergraduates will
have the skills and abilities to confidently pursue further research opportunities,
especially in the field of microbiology.
Joseph Holt
Ice Box Literary Journal
Holt will work with six undergraduate editors (Annie Wenstrup, Emma Charlton, Hunter
Young, Stanley Rogers, Shelby Anderson and Abby Bravo) and 15-20 undergraduate writers
to create and print the Ice Box Literary Journal for this academic year.
The Cat’s Meow: Does pet ownership contribute to healthy aging?
Peterson and her undergraduates (Travis Burrows, Rodney Tracht, Gabrielle Camp, Leslie
Siegfried) will investigate the effects of pet ownership on healthy aging by examining
the positive influences and challenges faced by elders in our community.
Megan Perra
Biology and Wildlife
Soundscape Monitoring: Weather and Windscreens
Perra and her undergraduates will be testing out different windscreen solutions on
acoustic monitoring equipment used to look at the potential impacts of industry noise
on wildlife, with a particular focus on caribou in developed and undeveloped areas.
Patricia Carlson
College of Liberal Arts
Engraving equipment for metalsmithing
Brian Hemphill
College of Liberal Arts
Enhancement of Comparative Primate and Fossil Hominin Cast Collection
Joshua Lupinek
Tobii Pro virtual reality (VR) eye tracking equipment
Justin Priest
Environmental Data Recording Units for use in the Arctic
Diana Wolf
Biology and Wildlife
Equipment to create an online wet lab in Genetics
Mentor - Don Larson
Our group will be researching how various temperature changes affect the shedding rates of the cercariae of Trichobilharzia alaskensis. This research allows us to examine how climate change affects the arctic ecosystems by comparing how varying temperatures affect the shedding rates of parasites.
Autumn Fournier
Mentor - Chris Maio
This project will focus on reconstructing prehistoric storm records for Cape Espenberg,
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥. The purpose of this is to see how extratropical storm patterns have evolved
over time, not only showing us what life was like for the ancient Iñupiaq Eskimos,
but what it may be like in the future too.
Computer Science
Mentor - SunWoo Kim
This project will develop a mobile app for the rural ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ community to access real-time air quality data and forecast for the next three days. The app will provide visualization on air quality by utilizing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms to analyze the PurpleAir sensor and the UAFSmoke data.
Hannah Pothast
Mentor - Jennifer Peterson
This study aims to understand how individuals living in arctic environments are affected
by the rapidly changing levels of light during equinox seasons. This study will examine
how mood and behavior are affected during these transitional seasons.
Mentor - Peter Westley
This project will quantify the presence and extent of local adaptation, this project will examine the difference in major development characteristics expressed between two temporally isolated Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations using a common laboratory rearing experiment. Differences in the survival of local groups will be taken as evidence of local adaptation.
Myha Cortez
Mentor - Margaret Keiper
The purpose of the research is to see if there is a relationship between emotional
intelligence and ethical decision making of big game hunters in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥. The goal of
the research findings will be published to further educated people about the impact
of emotional intelligence on ethical behavior.
Nick Hasson
Mentor - Jennifer Guerard
I will be observing and analyzing five Goldstream valley thermokarst lakes in summer
months for changes in thermodynamics, metal(s) reducing conditions, and lake sediment
core retrievals for multivariable modeling - which continues our preliminary time
sequence observations and analysis from October through May - thereby completing a
full seasonal model of Goldstream lakes.
Lacey Higham
Natural Resource Management
Mentor - Susan Todd
This project will repurpose glass into landscape glass to use as garden mulch to compliment
flowerbeds at the Georgeson Botanical Garden. There objectives are to determine the
cost of making landscape glass in a cement mixer and test the heat retention/weed
suppression properties glass when used as garden mulch.
Kyleigh Huntsman
Film Studies
Mentor - Maya Salganek
I will produce an original short dramatic film from script to screen that explores
the foster care system and the search for stability and trust in a family unit.
Biology and Wildlife
Mentor - Don Larson
I will be researching how seasonality affects the shedding rates of cercariae of Trichobilharzia alaskensis. I will specifically be looking at how warmer weather can increase the shedding prevalence from snails. This research will take place in Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ over the warm summer months.
Kellie Lynch
Interdisciplinary Studies
Mentor - Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
This project applies the principles of participatory action research to study the
social influences of Gamelan ensembles and their impact on communities. Gamelan music
is a traditional music in Indonesia that is played collectively on metallophones and
Sarah Manrirquez
Mentor - Alex Hirsch
I am producing a documentary film, and curating an accompanying photography exhibition,
about the life of Felicia Cavanaugh, a homeless woman who lives at the Fairbanks Rescue
Mission. Through film and photography, this project aims to dispel common myths about
the causes of homelessness by tracing her journey.
Tristan O'Donohue
Mentor - Andrej Podlutsky
The goal of this project is creating a publicly accessible database with a uniform
analysis of cancerous cell line DNA repair. To do this, cells will be cultured in
uniform sterile conditions then artificially damaged with UV-C and X-Ray radiation.
Analysis of damage and repair is done through comet assay.
Reed Thomas
Mentor - Link Olson
I will investigate variation in the agouti signaling protein (ASIP) genes of the hoary
marmot (Marmota caligata) and the Vancouver Island marmot (M. vancouverensis). ASIP
is one of two genes that has a significant influence on coat color in mammals and
birds (Gunderson et al., 2008).
Phillip Wilson
Mentor - Dan Mann
Little is known about the prehistoric surges of the Black Rapids Glacier, despite
the hazards this surging glacier poses to the Trans-ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Pipeline and Richardson
Highway. My goal is to reconstruct the history of the Black Rapids Glacier by dating
moraines and abandoned glacial spillways left during past surge events.
College of Engineering and Mines
Travis Oen
Preliminary study investigating benefits of applying artificial intelligence to avalanche
Tristan Sayre
Quantifying Unlawful Use of Off-Highway Vehicle Use on Public Facilities in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Jim Samson
A novel 3D-Printed Rodent Treadmill
Ryan Fitzpatrick
National Association for Music Education All-Northwest Conference
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Kelsie Maslen
Isotopic analysis of trophic feeding levels of male Capelin (Mallotus villosus)
College of Liberal Arts
Buck Barbieri and Naomi Hutchens
Collaborative Animation Production from Students' Perspective: Creating short 3D CG
films through international team-work.
Micheal Lorain
Wood Selection for Archaeological Fish Trap Stakes in Southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Kendrick McCabe
Reclaiming Traditional Names to Promote Diné (Navajo) Language and Culture
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Carl Burnside
Using stable isotopes to infer migration routes of crested auklets
Michael Kaden-Hoffman
Effects of Solvent Dielectric Constant and Boiling Point on Electrospun Nanofiber
Faith Long, Shayne Matson, Ana Strachan
Elucidating the Antigen Process for Vaccine Development
School of Education
Katie Hasbrouck, Ava Parrish and Logan Lockwood
Martin the Robot The Next Generation of Therapy for Children with Autism
School of Natural Resources and Extension
Trevor Schoening
Analyzing the Distribution of Vegetable Production in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
College of Business and Security Management
Jillian Bjornstad, Jordan Kashatok, Maynard Maglaya, Roquel Mills-Bain, Judy Obat
Caribou Tracks "Tuttu Tumi:" A Forest School
Emily Alvey
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Evaluation Network 2019 Conference
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Exploring the Impact of Local Option Laws in Rural ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Elsbeth Cheyne
University/Resident Theatre Association 2019 National Unified Auditions
New York, New York
Alyx Hoover
American Fisheries Society ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chapter Meeting 2019
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Using Gill Pore Papillae to Distinguish Arctic and ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n brook Lamprey
William Horn
Computer Science
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Washington DC
Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): Personalized Cloud-Based Processing of
SAR Data
Cassidy Kelly
Western Psychological Association Conference
Pasadena, California
Doggie Duties: A survey on the feelings toward and functions of domestic dogs in central
Michael Lorain
Northwest Anthropological Conference
Kennewick, Washington
Wood Selection for Fish Trap Stakes in Southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Samuel Nicholes
Rural Development
ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting 2018
Ottowa, Canada
Observations and Indigenous Knowledge: The Value of Multiple Evidence Based Approach
to Arctic Science Production
David Park
Mechanical Engineering
American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada
Unidirectional Heat Transfer Wall
Emily Ross
University/Resident Theatre Association 2019 National Unified Auditions
New York, New York
Robert Weeden
Computer Science
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Washington DC
Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): Personalized Cloud-Based Processing of
SAR Data
Jillian Bjorstad, Maynard Maglaya, Roquel Mills-Bain, Judy Obat and Jordan Kashatok
Homeland Security and Emergency Management
American Indian Business Leaders: Business Plan Competition
Portland, Oregon
Elijah Simmons, Arsh Chauhan, Louis Bastille, Conall Birkholz, Addeline Mitchell,
Ivan Rhodehamel, and Jacob Cates
Computer Science
The NASA Robotic Mining Competition
Titusville, Florida
Grace Beckman
I will be using Arctic Ground Squirrel (AGS) cells to study DNA repair after cell
damage is inflicted. AGS are a model organism for molecular mechanisms of DNA repair,
as during hibernation, they deploy measures against DNA damage or of improving post-damage
Katelynn Bushnell
I will analyze financial data for a sample of faculty unions for the past 3 fiscal
years. The sample will be a cross section of union organizations from public and private,
small and large US universities. I will calculate mean, median and decile amounts
for these organizations’ key activities.
Trevor Fiscus, Ryan Kramer, & Nicolay Donets
Mechanical Engineering
Our project will design and construct an assembly system that allows for positioning
individual solar cells in various, re-configurable three-dimensional arrangements.
The structure will be modular, allowing adjustment of geometry for research purposes.
Three-dimensional structures can result in higher power density than conventional,
flat-panel configurations.
Audrey Freeman
Civil Engineering
I will develop a two-dimensional thermal model to explore the temperature-dependent
phenomena of internal movement within frozen debris lobes. This model will help predict
when these slow-moving permafrost-landslide features will become geohazards to the
Dalton Highway and Trans ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Pipeline System.
Peter Gardella
Wildlife Biology and Conservation
Arctic ground squirrels (AGS) are known for their ability to preserve muscle during
hibernation. The mechanism of which is not fully understood. We aim to quantify the
expression of proteins related to skeletal muscle regulation throughout hibernation
in AGS to better characterize the underlying mechanisms of muscle preservation.
Stefan Johnson
This project will be an analysis of how the Dutch arms trade in the Great Lakes Region
impacted the culture, population, and structure of Fort Orange and Beverwyck. This
investigation will span from the Mahican-Mohawk War in 1624 to the British seizure
of the colony in 1664.
Dillon McIntire and Delaney Reece
This mixed-methods research project examines the relationship between gender and space
within a university student recreation center. Through direct observations, surveys
and interviews, we will identify how patrons constitute and negotiate different spaces
as gendered spaces during their physical activity routines.
Tate Miles
Biological Science
To better predict outcomes of climate change in the Arctic on parasite prevalence
and intensity, I will determine the effect of temperature on Trichobilharzia alaskensis,
a causative agent for swimmer’s itch, in snails. I will collect snails from Tanana
Lakes and determine the minimum temperature for reproduction and shedding.
Michael Radotich and Duncan Fisher
Mechanical Engineering
The UAF Aeronautics Club is competing in the 2019 AIAA Design/Build/Fly competition.
The team will be designing, building, and flying a remote controlled aircraft that
fulfills the design requirements and rules of the competition to travel and compete
in the national competition in April.
Emily Reast
This project analyzes the effects that varying levels of soil nutrients have on growing
Siberian alder plants and their ability to fix nitrogen. Soils will vary in acidity,
presence of frankia (nitrogen-fixing bacteria), and organic material amount in order
to observe any differences in nodulation and physical plant measurements.
Natalie Wagner
This project aims to use seismometers to translate ice/water movement into seismic
"wiggles" we can use to better understand glacier dynamics as whole. A better understanding
of glaciers here on Earth, can help to better understand ice/water dynamics on other
bodies in our solar system.
David Woo, Tad Nelson and Joshua Klina
Mechanical Engineering
The purpose of this project is to design and build a modular conex greenhouse that
is partially or fully powered by renewable energy for use in rural ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n communities.
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Fairbanks Cello Festival
While there are many musicians who converge at UAF's music department, there is rarely
an opportunity for players who all play the same instrument to develop instrumental
skills and camaraderie as a community. School students of the FNSBSD are leaving music
because of a lack of appropriate funding - as such, UAF recruitment becomes more difficult.
Adults in the community rarely have the opportunity to play in a large group and meet
other like-minded musicians. The implementation of the Fairbanks Cello Festival would
aim to bring as many community cellists to UAF as possible, with a series of master
classes by two guest artists from Indiana University at UAF's campus, followed by
a cello concert which would feature as many cellists from the community, local grade
and high schools, after school programs, and UAF students, as possible in a single
large cello ensemble. UAF is a hub for musical activity in the region, and a cello
celebration such as this will bring people together who all share the same passion
for music.
Sarah Manriquez
My Home in My Hands
I am directing and producing a documentary film, and curating an accompanying photography
exhibit, about the life of Felicia Cavanaugh, a homeless woman who lives at the Fairbanks
Rescue Mission. Homelessness may not be a new issue but homelessness in the Arctic
is an often misunderstood, complex and growing problem that deserves to be explored
in depth. In particular, through the power of film and photography, my project aims
to dispel popular myths about the causes of homelessness by tracing Ms. Cavanaugh’s
daily journey of recovery from addiction.
Cole Berner
Business Administration
The Pareto Principle in NBA Analytics: How Production Distribution Affects Team Success
2019 Global Sport Business Association Conference
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Ariana Horner
Music Education
From ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ to South Africa — Connecting through Music - Lowveld Chamber Music Association
Johannesburg, South Africa
Sine Anahita
Ruth A. M. Schmidt Public Sociology Podcast Project
Margaret Darrow
Mining & Geological Engineering
Change Detection of Arctic Permafrost Slopes using LiDAR-derived Digital Elevation
Ryan Fitzpatrick
National Association for Music Education All-Northwest Conference
Jennifer Guerard
Undergraduate Analytical and Organic Research Opportunities for Permafrost and Thermokarst
Sediment Characterization
Joanne Healy
Researching how a humanoid robot, Martin, can affect social and language skills in
individuals who experience Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Claudia Ihl
Northwest Campus
Investigating urban muskoxen in Nome
Brenda Konar
Coastal Margins Sampling
Chisato Murakami
Participation of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ State Japanese Speech Contest
Scott Oliver
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Creation of a rodent treadmill to test exercise training during extreme cold exposure
Kirsten Ressel
Distribution, life history, and reproductive biology of Capelin Mallotus villosus
in Norton Sound and putative local population differentiation in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Alexis Will
Biological Sciences
Are St. Lawrence Island seabirds in trouble?
Craig Chythlook and Kevin Huo
Political Science
Model Arctic Council
The Model Arctic Council (MAC) is an academic program in which students from universities
throughout the circumpolar north and beyond actively participate in a collaborative,
experiential learning exercise to expand their knowledge of salient challenges and
concerns in the Arctic. Rovaniemi, Finland
Tibor Dorsaz
Mentor - Brenda Konar
I will collect clam shells in Kachemak Bay, bring them back to a laboratory and analyze
if they were preyed upon by sea stars or sea otters. This data will then be compared
to the data collected in 2014 by CFOS Ph.D. student Sarah Traiger.
Alyx Hoover
Arctic lamprey Lenthenteron camtschaticum and ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Brook lamprey Lenthenteron alaskense
are identifiable as adults, but not as larvae. Previous research indicates that gill
pore papillae are a taxonomic indicator for distinguishing lamprey species. However,
this has not been examined for these species and may allow for species identification
of larvae.
Kendrick McCabe
While Diné language revitalization efforts are underway, this study seeks to identify
whether the reclamation of traditional naming practices could serve as a complementary
strategy to promote Diné language and culture. This study will clarify traditional
naming practices, examine current trends, and ascertain the feasibility of restoring
traditional naming practices.
David Park
Mechanical Engineering
This research project involves the design of a unidirectional heat transfer wall for
space missions—a device that regulates the flow of heat for extreme temperature conditions.
The research project will consist of academic literature review, modeling, and experimentation,
which will result in the publication of a journal paper.
Taylor Seitz
Biological Sciences
The purpose of this project is to characterize microbial communities within thawing
Fairbanks permafrost. Following characterization, I will identify the antimicrobial
resistance genes within the communities.
Jeremy Thomas
Some neurological disorders are associated with transitions between behavior patterns
in the brain although the underlying mechanisms are relatively unknown. Computer simulations
of coupled neuron networks explore transitions between ordered and disordered activity
patterns. Analysis of these simulations will determine the types of pattern switching,
associated time scales, and sensitivity.
Buck Barbieri and Naomi Hutchens
Collaborative Animation Production from Students' Perspective: Creating short 3D CG
films through international team-work.
SIGGRAPH 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia
Casey Winkleman
Music Performance - Voice
Utah Vocal Arts Academy Summer Opera Festival Principle Artist Program
Cole Berner
Business Administration
I will conduct secondary data analysis research using the Pareto Principle to examine
whether an NBA team’s top 20% of players in terms of salary, usage percentage, and
simple game score, produce 80% of the team’s production, as well as if approaching
the 80/20 rule correlates with regular season win percentage.
John Brickley
This project advances current research at the intersection of English literature and
computer science by designing and implementing a novel algorithm for identifying selected
English texts' source materials. Sources are identified using searches for rare words
and patterns of words ("strings"). Searches are broadened using linguistically sound
permutations of strings.
James Campbell
Iron and copper aerosols are of great interest because they pose serious health risks.
Using air samples collected every hour throughout the summer, the concentrations will
be analyzed for trends and will be compared to other data already collected during
the winter.
Liam Cassell
Electrical Engineering
The project objective is to study the lifecycle of spinach as a function of the quality
of light in a controlled environment greenhouse. The project will develop new technology
to automate the control process and the collection of vital data (LAI: Leaf Area Index)
to perform the study.
Shila Cotton
I will determine the age of a major fault in order to assess whether there was enough
time for slip on the fault to transport rocks all the way from central California
to southern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥. I will date damaged fault minerals by the 40Ar/39Ar method, using
UAF’s Geochronology Lab.
This project uses critical discourse analysis to compare representations of two sporting events in which human and animal athletes compete together: dog-mushing and horse racing. Social and mass media coverage of significant horse and sled dog races will be examined to see how sport enthusiasts and critics constitute animals-as-athletes
Jonathan Gates
The proposed study will test a hypothesis that the catastrophic 1912 eruption at Katmai was preceded by a slow extrusion of rhyolite magma. This early magma is possibly represented by recently found dense, bread-crusted rhyolite clasts. To test this, we will identify and document their source and study their composition.
Nicole Lindsay
The proposed study aims to understand how individuals living in interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ emotionally
respond to natural threatening situations. This study is a replication with an extension
of the “Fear versus fascination: An exploration of emotional responses to natural
threats†conducted by van den Berg and ter Heijne in 2005.
Michael Lorain
This project will sample wood stakes from prehistoric fish weirs in southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
to perform species and radiocarbon analysis. The project aims to understand potential
preferences for tree species and begins to ask questions about behavioral reasoning.
Samples will be taken from two traps at the archaeological site PET-00748.
Daniel Manley
This is a language learning research project comparing learning a language online
to learning it in person. In this language learning study I intend to reflect on my
language learning processes, and explore the role of motivation and what social interaction
looks like in the two contexts.
Jonathan Napier
Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
By conducting daily net monitoring surveys and collecting samples for analyses, I
will assess the impacts of oil and gas exploration and development on the health of
fish stocks in coastal areas of the Beaufort Sea around the industrialized Prudhoe
Bay, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥.
Travis Oen
Electrical Engineering
This research project will explore the potential benefits of applying artificial intelligence
(AI) to avalanche rescue. My research will involve two timed computer-generated avalanche
rescue simulations. The first simulation will utilize traditional rescue methods and
the second simulation will be led by an AI rescue device.
Jeremy Thomas
Spontaneous switching between differently ordered activity patterns is observed in
coupled neuron networks. Transient activity at the network and system level has underlying
mechanisms that are relatively unknown. Numerical simulations and statistical methods
will determine the types of pattern switching, the associated time scales, sensitivity,
and dependence on network coupling.
Patricia Wenstrup
A Map Shaped Like a Poem is a summer long writing project that interrogates the relationship
between geographic place, history and image. This project will be bracketed by craft
writing workshops that will inform my writing process.
Phillip Wilson
Little is known about the prehistoric surges of the Black Rapids Glacier, despite
the hazard this surging glacier poses to the Trans-ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Pipeline and Richardson
Highway. My goal is to reconstruct the history of the Black Rapids Glacier by dating
moraines and abandoned glacial spillways left during past surge events.
Leah Berman
iPads for Distance Math Teaching
Jamie Clark
3D Printer for Anthropology Teaching/Research
Elaine Drew
Computer equipment for training students in medical anthropology research
Denise Kind
Biological Sciences
Motion-triggered cameras for field work
Scott Oliver
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computational chemistry software and equipment
Charles Mason
Photo/Video Editing Software and Studio Equipment
Mechanical Engineering
Student Support Services
Loaner laptops
Equipment for music education students
Didar Baumgartner
Western Psychological Association 2018 Convention
Portland, Oregon
Arsh Chahan, Addeline Mitchell, Elijah Simmons,
Louis Bastille, Ivan Rhodehamer
Computer Science
NASA Robotic Mining Competition
Orlando, Florida
Austin Dabbs
Mechanical Engineering
5th European Conference on Permafrost
Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France
Duncan Fisher, Levi Purdy, Michael Radotich
Mechanical Engineering
AIAA Design, Build Fly Competition
Witchata, Kansas
Alex Hoover and Deidra Neely
Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2018
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Cassidy Kelly
The Western Psychological Association Convention 2018
Portland, Oregon
Noah Khalsa
American Fisheries Society Western Division Annual Meeting
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Lutfi Lena
Business Administration
Quinnipiac’s Global Asset Management Education Forum
New York, New York
Nicole Lindsay
The Western Psychological Association Convention 2018
Portland, Oregon
Betsy Lokken
Biological Sciences
Experimental Biology Conference
San Diego, California
Colleen Mertes
25th Annual Lavender Linguistics Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
Edward Paxson
2018 Phi Alpha Theta Northwest Regional Conference
Spokane, Washington
Phillip Wilson
48th International Arctic Workshop
Boulder, Colorado
Brittany Bowling
Wildlife Biology & Conservation
This project will examine the relationship between Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota
vancouverensis) and hoary marmot (M. caligata) melanism. We will look at the evolutionary
function of melanism and how it is produced in both species. This will lead to a recommendation
on M. caligata ability to genetically rescue M. vancouverensis.
Evan Denty, Ross Boling, Bong Chon and Ryan Goldfuss
Mechanical Engineering
This project will research the design of a novel aircraft passenger-seat ventilation
system that uses an innovative air curtain to aid in isolating breathing air between
passengers to significantly reduce the potential spread of airborne pathogens and
thereby reducing the potential for a pandemic.
Kimberly Diamond
Natural Resource Management
This project will recruit volunteers who drive and bicycle to campus. These volunteers
will be asked to monitor environmental, economic, and social costs of their daily
commute. This data will be used to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to compare the
commuting methods and inform community member decision-making.
Daniel Eagan
Mechanical Engineering
Development of the FOSS load cell will culminate in a device suitable for testing
the thrust and torque output of aviation-grade electric motors used in NASA research,
while avoiding issues with electromagnetic interference.
Olena Ellis
I will be working with internationally acclaimed Gallerist Leslie Ferrin and Sculptor
Artist Sergei Isupov in Massachusetts, covering technical aspects of sculpture and
also New Mexico artist, Mary Shaffer, who was integral in the American Studio Glass
Pagie Gieck
Nursing Science
Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy has been associated with mutations in nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor (nAChR) α4 and β2 subunits. Using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology,
we will study the effects of the incorporating an accessory α5 subunit into nAChRs
both with and without NFLE-associated mutations in their α4 subunits.
An Unmanned Aerial System will be used to develop a 3-D model of snow depth variability across micro-terrain features after snow and wind events in Thompson Pass, AK. The model will be displayed in EPSCoR’s virtual reality and assist with avalanche education efforts by the Eastern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Range Avalanche Center.
Rebekah Green
Biological Science
To better predict outcomes of climate change in the Arctic on parasite prevalence
and intensity, I will determine the effect of temperature on Trichobilharzia alaskensis,
a causative agent for swimmer’s itch, in snails. I will collect snails from Tanana
Lakes and determine the minimum temperature for reproduction and shedding.
Kimber Harnar
Mining and Geological Engineering
The project will use Tempe cells, pressure plates, and a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(NMR) system to measure the soil freezing and wetting curves of five treatments of
one heterogeneous soil- one untreated, and four cation treatments (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+,
K+)- to find their relationship to the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
Douglas Keller
Mechanical Engineering
This project is to design a load cell based around fiber optic strain gauges for NASA’s
electric propulsion research.
Patrick Knavel
Biology and Wildlife
This exploratory analysis into the differences between the gut microbiomes of Northern
Pike in their native waters versus their invasive waters will facilitate further research
into the gut microbiomes of invasive fishes. We will use next generation sequencing
and established bioinformatics pipelines to analyze compositional differences between
eighty samples.
Betsy Lokken
Biological Sciences
My research will examine the brain mechanisms regulating the onset of hibernation
in Arctic Ground Squirrels. To do this I will compare the levels of histamine and
orexin neuron activation in Arctic Ground Squirrels’ brains in the summer and in the
James McKay
Biological Science
This project will seek to determine how nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) is
affected by the subunit composition of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
(nAChRs). I will examine disease-relevant nAChR subtypes containing a NFLE-associated
point mutation using two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology.
Colleen Mertes
This project analyzes rugby songs. The songs, notable for bawdy lyrics, are sung at
“socials.†I aim to understand how women rugby players negotiate singing phallocentric
and misogynistic lyrics. I draw from linguistic anthropology research on swearing;
stereotypes about gendered speech and linguistic meaning in communities of practice.
Kiana Mitchell
The overarching goal of this project is to simulate leaching of boiler slag and fly
ash (CCPs) in sub-Arctic environmental media in order to determine the leaching behavior
and the effects of CCPs metal(loid)-DOM interactions. To achieve this, I will perform
leaching experiments for CCPs in dissolved organic matter (DOM).
Trevor Schoening
Natural Resource Management
This project seeks to examine the geographic distribution of food production in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
through the creation of spatial maps. Farmers' markets throughout ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, and subsequently
the producers selling at them, will be contacted to obtain data regarding this production,
and GIS will then be used to create representative maps.
Tristan Van Cise, Collin Lasley and Ryan Stonebreaker
Computer Science
Calamine is a platform centered on motion-based programming using virtual reality.
Traditionally, programming adopts a static nature; one sits in a chair and types.
With Calamine, the goal is to remedy this inherent lack of physical activity and usher
in a new development medium for those interested in learning code.
Natalie Wagner
I am studying the rocks from one of the many fault zones in southern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ to understand
the pressure and temperature conditions and slip sense during their deformation. Understanding
the slip conditions of faults in southern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ will help to determine how this area
was formed and deformed over time.
Kellie Bernstein
Theatre and Film
University Resident Theatre Association Auditions
New York, New York
Owen Fulton
Political Science
Model United Nations
New York, New York
Carie Navio
Electrical Engineering
AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition
Kissamee, Florida
Renee Nowicki
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Entomological Society
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Chaya Pike
Political Science
Model United Nations
New York, New York
Maureen Biermann and Sine Anahita
Understanding LGBTQ Experiences in a Changing Climate
Elaine Drew
Promoting Veteran Health, Reintegration, and Quality of Life in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Brandon Boylan
Political Science
UAF Participation in National Model United Nations Conference
Abel Bult-Ito
Biology and Wildlife
Acute and chronic effects of dFBr on compulsive-like behaviors of females in a non-induced
compulsive-like mouse model
Elaine Drew
Prenatal Care Perspectives among ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Women
Andrea Gastaldi
Using next-generation sequencing to resolve polychaete taxonomy and systematics
Duncan Green
Design and fabrication of a flow-through respirometer for measuring metabolic rates
of fishes
Daisy Huang
Mechanical Engineering
Friction testing of different sled runner materials
Claudia Ihl
Northwest Campus
Investigating urban muskoxen in Nome
Lawrence Itela
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rates of photolysis of antiviral drugs detected in surface waters under atmospheric
Sunwoo Kim
Mechanical Engineering
Development of Phase-Changing Heat Transfer Devices for Sustainable Energy Systems
in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Andres Lopez
First genomic-scale survey of genetic diversity of Lake Trout in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Kendall Mills
Biology and Wildlife
Genetic Rescue of the Endangered Vancouver Island Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis)
Elisabeth Nadin
Building deformation sandboxes for classroom use and developing research potential
for ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥-related geological problems
Scott Oliver
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Investigating skeletal muscle contractile function during hypothermia
Jen Petersen
Healthy Aging in the Far North: Perspectives and Prescriptions
Dani Sheppard
Journey to Western Psychological Association
Renate Wackerbauer
Undergraduate Research in Complex Systems
Erin Whitney
Performance Monitoring and Analysis of Bifacial Solar Photovoltaic Test Installation
Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
Food Arts of the Bering Strait, a Multimedia Exhibit
Institute of Northern Engineering
Development of a new coating for corrosion protection on magnesium alloys
Kate Clancy
Geological Engineering
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Miner's Association Meeting
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Melissa Delgado
The National Communication Association’s 103rd Convention
Dallas, Texas
Jonathan Gates
Geological Engineering
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Miner's Association Meeting
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Mackenzie Jenkins
World Sleep Congress
Prague, Czech Republic
Sarah Manriquez-Trujillo
Photo Expo Plus 2017 Portfolio Review
New York, New York
Jessica Obermiller
National American Anthropology
Association’s National Conference
Washington DC
Karissa Paschall
Community and Writing Conference
Boulder, Colorado
Riley Troyer
2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tristan Craddick
Computer Science
An evaluation of the effectiveness of visual cues versus audio cues for the purposes
of directing user attention in a virtual reality environment.
Tibor Dorsaz
I will conduct this research in collaboration with a CFOS graduate student and a faculty
member, we will rear juvenile Broad Whitefish under multiple temperatures and quantify
physiological parameters such as length or metabolic rate, to predict growth responses
of this crucial subsistence fish in the face of climate change.
Kathryn Herrod
The purpose of this proposed study is to use semi-structured interviews with photo
prompts to better understand UAF students’ experiences with depression, as well as
identify specific facilitators and barriers to dealing with depression on the UAF
Mackenzie Jenkins
My research is finding which areas in the brain are activated when hibernation is
induced, specifically the Solitary Tract Nucleus (NTS), the site of action of adenosine
(a sleep promoting molecule) and the Raphe, which maintains and adjusts body temperature
during hibernation via brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis.
Tate Miles
Biological Sciences
Under the guidance of Dr. Diana Wolf, I will be replicating and sequencing ancient
mammal DNA extracted from samples taken within a permafrost tunnel in Fox, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥.
Once the samples are sequenced, I will be able to identify the mammal species living
in the permafrost.
Brynne Myers
Classroom environments, specifically windows and lighting, significantly impact student
performance. This project will study the effect of classroom environments through
varied window conditions on student attentiveness and cognition, specifically cognitive
flexibility and learning retention. Through this study, efficiency of learning and
use of windows in classrooms will be improved.
Jared Roberts
With the intensity of hurricanes potentially increasing due to recent climate change,
my project is designed to understand and unravel the sedimentary signatures of ancient
hurricanes using geological proxies. The goal is to provide data that helps better
predict extreme storm events and coastal communities prepare for these events.
Shaylee Shocklee
This program is the result of 5 years of work on the part of the UAF justice department
as well as a number of members of the Fairbanks justice department. When implemented
in Fairbanks that uses restorative justice to replace our current punitive system
of justice.
Krystina Stobinski
This project is designed to qualitatively explore the relationship between students
with math anxiety, their professors, and university math programs. Outcomes of the
projected project will include betterment of University math programs as well as increased
student confidence and academic success.
Hannah Gerrish
Biological Science
This project will provide field support and community outreach for ongoing NASA-ABoVE
research efforts in Gates of the Arctic National Park examining vegetative dynamics
and obtaining baseline data for Dall sheep management.
Jacob Harris
A comparative study of animal bones from Mughr el-Hamamah in Jordan and Sefunim Cave
in Israel. The sites date to 45,000-21,000 years ago. The analysis will focus on the
degree of fragmentation, weathering, and burning, which can tell us about human behavior
and site formation processes.
Maria Jacobson Panozo
Rural Development
This project investigates human-animal relationships among the indigenous herders
around La Paz, Bolivia. I will complete a field school that engages government institutions,
NGOs, consumers, and the indigenous communities dealing with drought.
Noah Khalsa
Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
This project will help map the distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Tanana
Flats. Water samples taken from the flats will be tested for traces of Chinook salmon
DNA to identify locations where Chinook salmon overwinter in the flats.
Kelly McCartney
Technologically Critical Elements (TCEs) are central to modern society and renewable
energy production. By analyzing a modern gold extraction process we will identify
if TCEs, such as tellurium used in solar panels, can be economically extracted. This
will be accomplished by coupling mass balance calculations with mineralogical characterization.
Sean Merriman
This project aims to elucidate the effect of botanicals derived from ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ wild berries
on the master redox regulator Nrf2 and the interaction with its inhibitor Keap1, and
its implication on inflammatory and oxidative stress in the aging or diseased nervous
Cynthia Nelson
Northern Pike is an invasive species south of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Range, and has severely impacted
some salmon populations. This project will assess the behavior of juvenile salmon
to test the hypothesis that anti-predator responses are exhibited by individuals from
populations that have had more interaction time with Northern Pike.
Roger Ridenour
Secondary Education/History
Food security is a major concern to many peoples living remotely in the circumpolar
north. I intend to complete my design of the ABC, a food production system, housed
in a shipping container, that would provide fresh garden produce, sustainably produced
power, and plants for use in local individual gardens.
David Rhodes
Natural Resource Management
This project will establish a guided tour along North Campus trails to highlight historic
and ongoing research conducted in the UAF Boreal Arboretum, Exotic Tree Plantation,
and T-field. Signage in plots dating back to the 1970’s will engage new generations
in the work of UAF as a land grant institution.
Catherine Stallings
Biological Sciences
Evaluation of the effectiveness of sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
commonly prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, in treating compulsive-like,
anxiety-like, and depression-like behaviors in non-induced compulsive-like mice.
Rose Crelli
Marrowstone Music Festival
Bellingham, Washington
Elise Stacy
Biological sciences
New Mexico National Wildlife Society Meeting
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dean's Choice Awards
College of Engineering and Mines
Group project - Sage Tixier, Jonah Jeffries, Taylor Tompkins, Michael Fehrenbach,
Kenley Scarlett, Kyle Scarlett, Paul Palombi, Jr.
A design project to build a 10 Watt wind turbine
College of Liberal Arts
Aleksandra Milanovich
Examining roles of boredom proneness, self-determination, intrinsic motivation, gender
on persons’ experience of boredom
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Amir Raz
Tsunami Waves in Asymmetric Narrow Bays
School of Education
Jordan Wilson
Parent Involvement with Low Socioeconomic and Minority Families
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Stephanie Jump
Bottom trawling for Chinook Salmon smolts in the Tanana River
School of Natural Resources and Extension
Jessica Herzog
Trophic niche partitioning between male and female golden eagles in western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
College of Community and Rural Development
Loni Weggel
Analysis of Factors that influences Talkativeness among adults
Overall Awards
First Place
Jessica Herzog
Trophic niche partitioning between male and female golden eagles in western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Second Place
Amir Raz
Tsunami Waves in Asymmetric Narrow Bays
Third Place
Stephanie Jump
Bottom trawling for Chinook Salmon smolts in the Tanana River
Devin Drown
Biology and Wildlife
Equipment purchase to support a web based portal for genomic and bioinformatic analysis
Jason Lazarus
Communications & Journalism
Equipment to support advanced video and photographic editing bays
Chris Maio
Precision GPS equipment
Jochen Mezger
Geology field camp mapping, navigation and safety equipment
Kristian Nattinger
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Equipment for measuring water quality parameters
Jen Peterson
Equipment to study the effects of extended daylight on the mood and well-being of
residents in interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Maya Salganek
Theatre & Film
Equipment to support developing Unmanned Aircraft System cinematography and VR education
at UAF
Mechanical Engineering
Academic Advising Center
Software and printer
Community and Technical College
Software and equipment for Process Technology
Seth Blohm
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chamber Chorale Tour
Leslie Bielski Petre
Civil Engineering
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Water Wastewater Management Association Conference
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Katrina Dowell
Biological Sciences
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Trisha Levasseur
Natural Resources Management
National Environment and Recreation Research Symposium
Annapolis, Maryland
Zoe Marshall
Natural Resource Management
Exploring sustainable agriculture
Delta Junction, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Aleksandra Milanovich
Association for Psychological Science Conference
Boston, Massachusetts
Kyle Scarlett
Mechanical Engineering
Collegiate Wind Competition
Boulder, Colorado
Jacob Sterle
American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting
San Francisco, California
Reyce Bogardus
Physical Geography
Assessing Tsunami Vulnerability in Larsen Bay, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ via Structure from Motion Derived
Elevation Data
Kate Clancy
Mining and Geological Engineering
Study the interaction of Water Tracks with Soil Piping to Prevent Future Subsidence
in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Soils
Kimberly Diamond
Natural Resources Management
Factors Impacting Dormancy and Viability of Prunus Padus Seeds
Sara Ewers
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Does Natural Organic Matter Redox Potential and Reactivity in Pore Water Vary Between
Open and Closed Taliks?
Jonathan Gates
Mining and Geological Engineering
Development of an Accurate Method to Map Water Tracks using Remote Sensing and Soil
Hydraulic and Geophysical Properties
Harrison Hartle
Vortex Dynamics in Quasi-Two Dimensional Turbulence
Connor Ito
Barcoding of Ancient Nematode DNA to Infer Climate Change Between 10,000-60,000 Years
Alexandra Keller
Testing the Effects of the Changing pH from ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Microbiome on Subsistence Berries
Jacob Klaameyer
Mechanical Engineering
High Lumen LED Flashlight
Renee Nowicki
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Ant Biodiversity: Identification Key, Maps, and DNA Barcoding
Alisha O'Brien
Application of Green Chemistry to Metals in Medicine. Building novel organometallic
platinum compounds to reduce toxicity and overcome resistance in cancer treatment
Angelina Rotermund
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Assisting environmental mercury research at UAF through Spanish-English translation
and interpretation
Kelly Schmitz
Natural Resource Management
Nutritional Effect of Willow on Reindeer Calf Growth
Elise Stacy
Wildlife Biology
Furthering population study of marten in Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Sage Tixier
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Spring 2017 Collegiate Wind Competition
David Warner
Environmental Impacts of Heavy Metal Leaching from Coal-Fly Ash
Phillip Wilson
Surges of the Black Rapids Glacier: Dating a Prehistoric Hazard
Zeinab Barati
Institute of Arctic Biology
Workshop on Essentials of Statistics with SPSS
Frank Boldt
Fairbanks Community Restorative Justice Initiative
Jan Dawe
Natural Resource Management
OneTree ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: K-20 boreal forest education, research and community engagement
Maryanne Evans
Institute of Arctic Biology
Climate change, biomass production and the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n soil microbiome
Kristin Gagne
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Does Dissolved Organic Matter Redox Potential and Reactivity in Pore Water Vary Between
Open and Closed Taliks?
Daisy Huang
Mechanical Engineering
Collegiate Wind Competition
Amy May
Communication and Journalism
Testing the effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) as a strategy to reduce speech anxiety
Mark Melham
Natural Resource Management
Dall Sheep Research in Gates of the Arctic
Joy Morrison
Faculty Development
Mentoring Workshop
Trent Sutton
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Laboratory-based evaluation of structures used for aging freshwater fishes
Mike Whalen
Exploring the aftermath of the Chicxulub impact: Ancient oceanography and ecology
in the crater
Diana Berry
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah October, 2016
Amanda Casterline
University Resident Theatre Association Seminar
Chicago, Illinois January 2017
Petroleum Engineering
American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota November 2016
Harrison Hartle
San Fransisco, California, November 2016
Natural Resource Management
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Bird Conference
Cordova, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ December 2016
Lindsay Klueber
Biology and Art
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey, California March 2017
Katherine Aikens
Mechanical Engineering
Design Build Fly Aeronautics Competition
Ashley Blake
Understanding the factors that impact UAF student veterans' academic and social success
Tim Bouta
Project DIMAC: Detecting iodine monoxide in the Arctic Circle
Ana Carrasco
Using Next Generation sequencing technology for the detection of hepatitis C infection
in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Esul Chafin
Business Administration
The 80/20 Experience: An analysis of NHL salaries and performance success
Jenny Dale
Intimacy and Devotion: A Secular Inquiry into the Literacy Strategies of a Jews for
Jesus Bible Study Group
Monica Mikes
Validating Hibernation Model via Metabolic and fecal Comparisons of Free Range to
Laboratory Arctic Ground Squirrels
Aleksandra Milanovich
Bored out of this world: Factors impacting the experience of boredom
Katherine Aikens
Mechanical Engineering
Society of Women Engineers 2016 Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2016
Anastasia Butler
Biological Sciences
Genetic Diversity of Vicia cracca
Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, September 2016
San Fransisco, California, November 2016
Jessica Obermiller
Association of Humanistic Sociology's Annual Conference
Denver, Colorado, November 2016
United States - Japanese Council Conference
Santa Clara, California, November 2016
Alisha O'Brien
American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 2016
Esul Chafin
Business Administration
Application of 80/20 rule on Ice: Comparative analysis of NHL salaries and performance
Teylana Gordon
How continental crust grows: a field study of the Talkeetna Arc, southern ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Stephanie Jump
Bottom trawling for Chinook salmon smolts in the Tanana River
Zoe Marshall
Natural Resource Management
Vegetative propagation of four berry species for sustainable fruit production in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Erica Moeller
Functional morphology of the marmot skeleton
Alisha O'Brien
Synthesis and characterization of the anti-tumor compound Cisplatin: advances with
novel analogs
David Reynolds
Stock characteristics of capelin in the Northern and Southern Bering Sea
Luke Rogers
Wildlife Biology
The effect of social class on space use and behavior in captive Wood Bison: a comparative
Lauren Whitt
Biological Sciences
Identifying plant families in ancient environmental DNA from permafrost using DNA
Alexander Wynne-Ballard
Does permafrost thaw alter methane via a shift in the microbial community composition?
Giulia Zedda
Biological Sciences
Species delimitation in a small Madagascar mammal, the mouse-eared tenrec (Geogale
Overall Awards
First Place
Zachary Goeden
Differential effects of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome across species
Second Place
Kirsten Williams
Hydroelectricity in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Current and Potential Developments
Third Place
Elizabeth Smith
Sharing with Robots
Dean's Choice Awards
College of Engineering and Mines - Aven Bross and Max Hesser-Knoll
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) on RobotMoose Robotics Infrastructure
College of Liberal Arts
Jessica Obermiller
The Headscarf Project: Exposing myself by covering up
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Patrick Terhune
Topographic development and upper plate deformational response to multiple Cenozoic
flat slab subduction events: Talkeetna Mountains, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
School of Education
Elizabeth Smith
Sharing with Robots
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Zachary Goeden
Differential effects of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome across species
School of Natural Resources and ExtensionKirsten Williams
Hydroelectricity in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Current and Potential Developments
College of Community and Rural Development
Ashley Johnson, Darling Anderson, Vernae Angnaboogok, Nicole Arevalo, Roberta Cecil,
William Craske, Diloola Erickson, Casey Ferguson, Shaelene Holstrom, Naomi Jones,
Maria Lake, Jolene Nanouk, Martha Perry, Eric Petersen, Selina Sam, Julia Taylor,
Adrienne Titus
Indigenous and Tribal Community Development: What constitutes success?
Annie Duffy
Classroom Projector Replacement Project
Jennifer Guerard
Chemistry and Biochemistry
HPLC Fluorescence Detection and Degasser Expansion
Jason Lazarus
Journalism and Broadcasting
Software licenses and camera equipment
Maya Salganek
Theater and Film
Software licenses
Karen Spaleta
Advanced Instrumentation Lab
Fusion instrument in support of sample preparation for XRF and ICP-MS
Alexander Thornton
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Classroom response systems (CRS) and training
School of Education
Software licenses
Diana Berry
W.D. Berry Research – Art History Practicum
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, March 2016
Nathan Feemster
International Gender and Language Association Conference
Hong Kong, May 2016
Mechanical Engineering
2016 Collegiate Wind Competition/Arctic Winds
New Orleans, Louisiana, May 2016
Nora Gyswyt
Geological Engineering
International Conference on Permafrost 2016
Potsdam, Germany, June 2016
Secondary Education and English
Computers and Writing Conference
Rochester, New York, June 2016
Jacob Sterle
American Chemical Society Northwest Regional Meeting
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, June 2016
Forrest Campnell
Concentration of total mercury and methylmercury in commercial cigarettes: Examining
routes of human exposure
Amanda Casterline
Theater Thesis: Costume Design
Jackson Drew
Biological Science
Testing the Effects of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Microbiome on a Model Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Montana Goss
Biology and Anthropology
Who Are The Shenks Ferry People?
Jessica Herzog
Natural Resource Management
Bees of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥'s Seward Peninsula and Plant Height
Biological Sciences
The Influence of the SkiKu Program on Physical Activity and Sleep Quality in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native Children
Fluoxetine-induced behavioral outcomes in lactation mediated alterations in brain and peripheral serotonin in a non-induced mouse model of OCD
Joshua Pharris
Shared Subsistence Terminology between Alutiiq and Neighboring Languages
Viktorija Podlutskya
Biological Sciences
DNA Repair Process in Virally Infected Cells
Zoe Rodes
Biological Sciences
Effect of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n botanical extracts on neurotoxin-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in C. elegans Parkinson's model
Elizabeth Smith
Sharing With Robots: Collaboration and Joint Effort with NAO
Biology and Wildlife
Population Structure of American Marten in Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Jacob Sterle
Dissolved Organic Matter Interaction with Fly Ash Metal(loid)s
Farimang Touray Jr.
Biological Sciences
Effects of the Combination of Blueberry and Cranberry Extract on Caenorhaditis elegans Lifespan and Sarcopenia
Kirsten Williams
Natural Resources Management
Hydroelectric Technology in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥: Current and Proposed Developments
Aaron Yeaton
Natural Resources Management
The Impacts of Media Advertisement on the Denali Wilderness Experience
Biological Sciences
Bird Research in Peru
December 2015 - January 2016
Amanda Grimes
Biological Sciences
21st Biennial Conference Society of Marine Mammals
San Francisco, California, December 2015
Kyle Milke
Geological Society of America National Meeting
Baltimore, Maryland, November 2015
Jessica Obermiller
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association
Denver, Colorado, November 2015
Fisheries and Marine Science
21st Biennial Conference Society of Marine Mammals
San Francisco, California, December 2015
Ruth Osborne
American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference
Phoenix, Arizona November 2015
Diana Berry
Art History Practicum: The W.D. Berry Collection in Rasmuson Library
Forrest Campnell
Concentration of Total Mercury in Cigarettes and Fish Muscle Tissue Purchased in La
Paz, Mexico
Gabriel Cartegena
Living With HIV/AIDS - Understanding Survivorship Through Photovoice
Patrick Graham
Integrating Multiplatform Remote Sensing and Field Data to Estimate Surface Energy
Fluxes in Arctic Ecosystems
Development of a GIS for Mapping McCarty Glacier
Candace Kruger
Historic and Contemporary Deg Hit’an Basketry
Tiffany Lamken
Biological Sciences
Toxoplasma Gondii Prevalence in Fairbanks, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Landis Mathis-Booker
Biological Sciences
Chemically Synthesizing Hemp Biodiesel
Monitoring the Effects of Methylmercury
Carl Sage
Antigone: Dramaturgy, Design, and Performance
Elizabeth Smith
Sharing With Robots: Using NAO to Measure Joint Attention
Jeremy Boynton
Biological Sciences
Genotoxicity and DNA Repair Dynamics of Iqmik
Alta East
Foraging Practices of Military Families in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Logan Graves
Electrical Engineering
Summer internship with US Naval Research Lab
Annyssa Interrante
Diet analysis of Arctic lampreys in the Bering Sea using Next Generation sequencing
Dallon Knight
Metal Quantification and Bioaccessibility in Fairbanks, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Road Dust
McKenzie Mucha
Chronic Effect of Desformylflustrabromine in Compulsive-Like Mice
Ruth Osborne
The Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Photoreactivity from
a Boreal Forest Surface Water
Ronin Ruerup
Monitoring the effects of Methylmercury
Ashley Swedberg
Social Work
Measuring the Level of Preparedness for Assisting Human Trafficking Victims in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Julia Taylor
Journalism and Broadcasting
Hartman Justice Project
Scott Taylor
Biological Sciences
Photographic Preservation of the Philips Arctic Lepidoptera Collection
Vanessa Santana Miranda
Latitudinal Variation in the Hibernation Timing of Hoary Marmots
Robert Williams
Astaxanthin contribution to increased efficiency of DNA repair and lowering of chronic
1st Place
Leah Hill
2nd Place
Angela Peterson and Krysta Yancey
3rd Place
Genevieve Johnson
College of Engineering and Mines:
Robert Colles and James Colles
Dynamic Vehicle Lights
College of Liberal Arts
Leah Hill
Performance of Gender & Identity: Using the Early Photographic Works of Claude Cahun and Cindy Sherman to Demonstrate the Performance Nature of Gender and Identity
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Angela Peterson and Krysta Yancey
Hibernation and DNA Repair: The Arctic Ground Squirrel's Perspective,
Genevieve Johnson
Monitoring Harmful Algae Blooms in Southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
School of Natural Resources and Extension
Nicole Warner
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Watershed Survey: Socio-Ecological Interactions in an Urbanizing Area
School of Education
Jennifer Paniati
Engineering Education Professional Development
Ilsang Ahn
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Support for student learning of seismic hazards in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Sine Anahita
Digital Man Cave Data Analysis Project
Margaret Darrow
Mining and Geological Engineering
Completing the Process: Disseminating the Results of Research (student travel to Germany)
Devin Drown
Biology & Wildlife
Using Nanopore Sequencing to Explore Genomics
Ginny Eckert
Support for students investigating harmful algal blooms and human health consequences
through shellfish toxicity
Carie Green
Phase II - Young Children's Experiences of Their Forest
Jennifer Guerard
Determination of Flame Retardants and Current Use Pesticide Interactions in Natural
Arctic and Sub-Arctic Surface Waters
Sarah Hayes
Enhancing Environmental Chemistry Instrumentation for Undergraduate Courses and Research
Evangelene Hensell
Identity, Liminality and Contemporary Approaches to Technology in the Classroom
Jenifer McBeath
School of Natural Resources and Extension
Support for the 2016 Food Security Competition
Debusmita Misra
Geological Engineering
Support for students in hydrology courses
Elisabeth Nadin
Support for students in field-based geology courses
Alexei Rybkin
student support for NSF REU supplement
Sarah Stanley
Travel to the Second Annual Post-Secondary Access and Completion Conference in Anchorage,
Ilsang Ahn
Civil Engineering
Mathcad software for undergraduate teaching and research
Sine Anahita
Computers and software for qualitative research corner for undergraduate students
Rich Carr
iPads to improve instruction at high-traffic student service area
Kara Dillard
Clicker technology to help students moderate and report on public deliberative forums
Resilience and Adaptation Program Ethnobotanical field box
Carie Green
Innovative technology for engaging children as active researchers
Tamara Harms
Biology and Wildlife
CO2 analyzer for undergraduate research and coursework in ecology
Martin Harrild
Remote sensing equipment to perform stereo/3D imagining in the visible, near and thermal infrared
3D topographic mapping using differential GPS
Ken Severin
Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory
Sample preparation system coater for electron microscope
Teisha Simmons
Interior-Aleutians Campus - wildland fire topography emulation system
Ana Fochessato
Model United Nations Conference
Berkeley, California, February 2015
Nora Gyswyt
2015 Cordilleran Section Meeting
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, May 2015
Uyanga Mendbayar
2015 Student Water Conference
Stillwater, Oklahoma, March 2015
National Science Teachers Association National Conference
Chicago, Illinois, March 2015
Cassidy Phillips
Society for American Archaeology Annual Conference
San Francisco, California, April 2015
Jamie Rose
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
Juneau, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ April 2015
Pacific Rim English Conference
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ March 2015
Matthew Vanagel
Brain 2015 Conference
Vancouver, Canada, June 2015
Claudia Cease
The Taboo of Mourning: Germany 1939 - 1955
Dakota Emery
Geographic Variability of Active Ingredients in Spice Within ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ as an Indicator
of Distribution Mechanisms
Stormy Fields
A 12,000 Year Record of Ecological Change at Blair Lake, Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
The Role of dFBr, a Positive Allosteric Modulator of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, on Compulsive-like and Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Non-induced Compulsive-like Mice
Katherine Opp
Chemical Feeding Ecology of Mercury in Hawaiian Monk Seals
Ruth Osborne
The Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Photoreactivity from an Arctic Surface Water
The Nature of Controversies Surrounding Title IX
Mahaut Sorlin
Species Limits in Hoary Marmots and the Threatened Olympic Marmot
Brian Stillie
Characterizing Erosion and Sediment Loading in a Placer-Mined Watershed Using Water Quality, GIS and Remote Sensing Data
Sine Anahita
Purchase of three types of qualitative analysis software
Jim Brashear
Purchase of art supplies and materials for outdoor kilns
Cheng-fu Chen
Mechanical Engineering
Stimulate undergraduate student interest in biomedical engineering
Carie Green
Support of undergraduate students working on project titled Exploring Methodologies for Engaging Young Children as Active Researchers
Sarah Hayes
Pairing undergraduate students in CHEM 288 with graduate students in CHEM 686
Institute of Arctic Biology
Training and support of undergraduate students in Chinook salmon project
Jeremy Kasper and Andrew Seitz
Purchase of Echoview software for processing research data
Christopher Maio
Purchase of a ground penetrating radar
Andrej Podlutsky
Support for undergraduate student support on project titled, "Hibernation and DNA Repair."
Sarah Stanley
2014 Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Composition Research
Hanover, New Hampshire
Support for project titled Exposing UAF students to Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag technology in the classroom and beyond
Sarah Stanley
Online resource on the Write ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ website
Todd Radenbaugh and Rose Meir
Kuskokwim Campus Science
Travel support for undergraduate students to attend Western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Interdisciplinary
Science Conference in Bethel, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Alexei Rybkin
Support of undergraduate student research
Tiffany Green
2014 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core Meeting (San Diego, California September) Fall 2014
Amanda Grimes
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Marine Science Symposium
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ January 2015
David Harris
Society for Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas Annual Meeting
Portland, Oregon January 2015
Genevieve Johnson
Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting
(Tacoma, Washington)
Fall 2014
Uyanga Mendbayar
Geological Engineering
Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geology
Scottsdale, Arizona September 2014
Katherine Opp
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Marine Science Symposium
Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ January 2015
Kristen Scholten
American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting
(Jacksonville, Florida)
Summer 2015
Patrick Terhune
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Vancouver, British Columbia October 2014
JR Ancheta
Journalism and Broadcasting
Fairbanksans: Portraits from the Golden Heart City
Dakota Emery
Geographic Variability of Active Ingredients in Spice Within ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ as an Indicator
of Distribution Mechanisms
Lachlan Gillespie
Political Science
Perceived Sources of Social Marginalization of Gender Non-conforming Individuals
Dallon Knight
Metal Quantification and Bioaccessibility in Fairbanks, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ road dust
Daniel Leahy
Political Science
Currency and Conflict in Bolivarian Venezuela
Jeanne Lewis
Rural Science
Investigation of Associations Between Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference and Consumption
of Subsistence Diet Among the Residents of Northwest Arctic Borough of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Uyanga Mendbayar
Geological Engineering
Investigation and Quantification of Water Track Networks in Boreal Regions Using Remote
Sending and Geophysical Data
Russell Mitchell
Integration of a Fungus and Microbial Mat into a Symbiotic Culture for the Bioremediation
of Oil Spills
Hanna Schempf
Cyclic Allele Dynamics in Self-Incompatible Systems
Camden Taylor
Educational iPad App for Ion Channel Current Simulation
Sophia Tidler
Environmental Engineering
Use of Gel Encapsulated Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Water Treatment
Michael Willis
Comparison of Microbial Communities in Groundwater and Subsurface Soil Sediment in
a Sulfolane-contaminated Aquifer
Shae Bowman
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Michael Harris
Preferentially nestling feeding in White-Crowned Sparrows and Lapland Longspurs
Lakeidra Chavis
Mentor: Lynne Lott
Beyond the Single Story: Life in Rural Jamaica
Brittany Corbin
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Diane O'Brien
A Pilot Serologic Survey of Biomarkers for Traditional Marine Diet and Vitamin D Levels in YK Delta Childbearing-aged Women
Kailyn Davis
Geology & Geophysics
Mentor: Jeff Benowitz
Tectonic-Magmatic History of the Wrangell Volcanic Field
Shannan Hoyos
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Jack Chen
Genotyping Analysis of Hepatitis C in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Genevieve Johnson
Mentor: Ginny Eckert
Environmental Factors Involved in Alexandrium Blooms in Southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ and the Impact on Shellfish Toxicity
Ross MacDougall
Center for ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native Health Research
Mentor: Robert Coker
The Influence of the NANANordic Ski Program on Physical Activity and Sleep Quality in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native Children
Cassidy Phillips
Mentor: Jamie Clark
Using GIS to Identify Activity Areas at the Middle Stone Age Site of Sibudu Cave
Kristen Scholten
Mentor: Laura Prugh
Seasonal Changes in Overlapping Prey Selection of Vulpes vulpes and Canis latrans
Matthew Vanagel
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Brian Rasley
Optimization of the CLARITY Technique for Implementation in UAF Research
Logan Walker Graves
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Naval Research Laboratories
Summer Internship with Naval Research Labs
Political Science
Mentor: Brandon Boylan
Mentor: Kelly Drew
Spring 2014
Arsh Chuahan
Mentor: Orion Lawlor
Spring 2014
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Link Olson
Petroleum Engineering
Mentor: Shirish Patil
Spring 2014
Mentor: Maya Salganek
Social Work
Mentor: LaVerne Demientieff
Spring 2014
Mentor: Anthony Arendt
Sarah DeWitt
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Sydonia Bret-Harte
Effects of Plant Hormones
Julia Duncan
Mentor: Fenton Bersamin
Preparation and Characterization of a Frequency Doubling Coordination Complex
Nicole Dunham
Natural Resource Management
Investigating Opportunities and Barriers for Garden-Based Learning in Early Chid Care Settings
Jason Howe
Mentor: Timothy Lower
Utilizing video games to determine human motivation
Justina Lipscomb
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Barbara Taylor
Effect of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Lowbush Cranberry on Aging in C. elegens
Crystal Lor
Mentor: Ellen Lopez
Assessing the impact of an Athabascan Beading Project with an ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native cancer support group
Joseph Miller
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Mary Beth Leigh
Characterizing sulfolane-degrading bacteria from contaminated groundwater
Alexander Morgan
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Jiguo Chen
Real time PCR and Western blotting of PEL cell lines for comparison
Nikki Navio
Natural Resource Management
Mentor: Susan Todd
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Wilderness Stories: Chile
Rafael Rodriguez
Natural Resource Management
Mentor: David Verbyla
Does mean summer temperature influence fire return intervals in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n Boreal forests?
Patrick Terhune
Geological Sciences
Mentor: Jeff Benowitz
Topographic Development History of the White Mountains: Proxy for the Slip History
of the Tintina Fault, Interior ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Riley Witte
Mentor: Sarah Hayes
Evaluating the Potential for Recovery of Tellurium as a Byproduct of Gold Mining
Daisy Huang
Institute of Northern Engineering (INE)
To determine how much free time, effort, and money it would take to keep an array of 240 kW solar panels free of snow.
Kara Hoover
To create an undergraduate lab training program that will generate a skilled pool of students seeking research lab experience that can be exploited by lab-based faculty in need of trained staff.
Jaclyn Bergamino
To helo undergraduate students realize their potential as scholars and creators of knowledge through a new student publication.
Brian Edmonds
Chemistry & Biochemistry
To clarify the role of nicotinic systems in schizophrenia, and facilitate the development of better (less toxic) drug therapies for treatment-refractory schizophrenia.
Karsten Hueffer
Veterinary Medicine
To support the publication of a manuscript that resulted from the combined work of three undergraduate students and a RAHI summer student over the last two years.
Anshul Pandya & Todd Radenbaugh
Chukchi Campus
To support student travel to fieldwork locations in western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ and to present at the Western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Interdisciplinary Science Conference in Kotzebue, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥.
Diana Wolf
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
To mentor a student through lab research on the evolution of plant self-incompatibility genes using several ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n and European poppy species.
Robin Shoaps
Travel funds to accompany a student presenting at the International Gender and Language Association Conference in Vancouver, BC.
Kara Hoover
To mentor a student in hands-on research.
Karen Barnard
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
Mentor: Karsten Hueffer
mRNA sequencing of rabies binding regions on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit in seven host species
Anne Bartholomew
Mentor: Charles Mason
A Soul Community
Pascale Clerc
Mentor: Richard Weis
Temperature versus efficiency study of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell trike
Ira Hardy
Mentor: Charles Mason
Subsistence Whaling and Development
Mallory Jones
Link Olson
A molecular approach to identifying cryptic species of ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n bats, Myotis lucifugus and M. yumanensis
Sarah Marschall
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
Mentor: Karsten Hueffer
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rabies virus infection
Jessica McLaughlin
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
Mentor: D. Anger
Nikki Navio
Natural Resources
Mentor: Susan Todd
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Wilderness Stories
Jonathan Quinones
Political Science
Mentor: Alexander Hirsch
PTSD combat veterans and the requirements for eligibility of the Purple Heart
John Scott
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
Pacific Halibut Depth Data Analysis
Katie Shink
Mentor: Andres Lopez
Using microsatellite DNA loci to determine genetic differentiation among Arctic Lamprey populations in ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Mackenzie Stamey
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
Mentor: Stefanie Ickert-Bond
The origin and diversity of the octoploid Turkish parsley fern (Cryptogramma bithynica)
Matthew Vanagel
Mentor: Fenton Heirtzler
Synthesis, Purification and Molecular Recognition with helical molecules
Teagan White-Nesbitt
College of Liberal Arts
Mentor: Derick Burleson
Translation of Contemporary German Poetry
JR Ancheta
Mentor: Charles Mason
Fairbanksans: Portraits from the Golden Heart City
Caroline Aubry-Wake
Mentor: Regine Hock
Future glacier runoff changes in the Susitna drainage basin
Michael Courtney
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
Dispersal patters and summer oceanic distribution of adult Dolly Varden from the Wulik River, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥, evaluated using satellite telemetry
Sam Herreid
Mentor: Anthony Arendt
Christina Howard
Mentor: Ginny Eckert
Larval transport and settlement timing in juvenile red king crab
Evan Mathers
Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Patricia Holloway
The Optimal Picking Time of Peonies Based on Density and Pressure
Jonathan McMahon
Mentor: Brian Edmonds
Mechanism of Clozapine's Action on Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors
Jonathan Nations
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Link Olson
Arboreality in the Northern Red-Backed Vole (Myodes rutilus): a Field and Laboratory Investigative Approach
Catherine Olson
Veterinary Science
Mentor: Barbara Taylor
GPS Methodology in Researching Marine Canines
Adam Taylor
Environmental Science
Mentor: Anthony Arendt
Mass balance measurements of the Juneau Icefield and photo/video documentary of the Juneau Icefield Research Program
Daniela Wilner
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Kevin McCracken
Adaptation and Phenotypic Plasticity in the white-capped dipper (Cinclus leucocephalus): is the Acclimatization Response to Hypobaric Hypoxia Dampened?
Alexander Bertram, Blake Bogart, Mindona Kryzkowski, Alexander Legrismith & Simon
Mentor: Raujive Ganguli
International SME Mine Design Competition: Phase II (Denver, Colorado).
Spring 2013
Jacqueline Eisenberg, Helen Shepard, Jenny York & Brittany Von Sickle
Social Work
Mentor: Heidi Brocious
Social Work Conference (LaCrosse, Wisconsin).
Spring 2013
Samantha Enters & Adrienne Smyth
Mentor: Michael Edson
18th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Literature and Rhetoric (Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥).
Spring 2013
Bryant Hopkins
Mentor: John Rhodes
Western Regional Honors Council Conference (Flagstaff, Arizona).
Spring 2013
Skyler Hunter
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Elena Vayndorf
19th International C. elegans Meeting (Los Angeles, California).
Spring 2013
Ann Lewis
Mentor: Sarah Stanley
18th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Literature and Rhetoric (Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥).
Spring 2013
Jon Nations
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Link Olson
American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
Spring 2013
Daniela Wilner
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Kevin McCracken
Western Regional Honors Council Conference (Flagstaff, Arizona).
Spring 2013
Karen Barnard
Mentor: Karsten Hueffer
Fieldwork: Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada).
Fall 2013
Kristine de Leon
Mentor: Michele Hebert
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference (Nashville,
Fall 2013
Emily Garrett
Natural Resource Management
Mentor: Gregory Finstad
Fieldwork: Murphy Dome
Fall 2013
Sam Herried
Mentor: Gregory Finstad
American Geophysical Union (AGU) (San Francisco, California).
Fall 2013
Christina Howard
Mentor: Ginny Eckert
Western Society of Naturalists (WSN) Annual Meeting (Oxnard, California).
Fall 2013
Azara Mohammadi
Mentor: David Fazzino
American Anthropological Association (AAA) 112th Annual Conference (Chicago, Illinois).
Fall 2013
Ethan Sinsabaugh
Mentor: David Fazzino
American Anthropological Association (AAA) 112th Annual Conference (Chicago, Illinois).
Fall 2013
Lauren Bailey
Mentor: Andres Lopez
Genetic Diversity of Intertidal Fishes
Anne Bartholomew
Mentor: Rob Prince
Applications of Multimedia Reporting Within the Fairbanks Winter Sports Community
Pascale Clerc
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Gregory Walker
Cold-Weather Batteries
Heather Currey
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Barbara Taylor
RNA Interference of Insulin-like Signaling Pathway Actors in Huntington's Caenorhabditis elegans Model
Kailyn Davis
Geology & Geophysics
Mentor: Jeff Benowitz
A Topographic Development History of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Range
Christy Howard
Mentor: Ginny Eckert
Habitat and Growth in Juvenile Red King Crab in Two Locations in Southeast ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
John Scott
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
Pacific Halibut Depth Data Analysis
Ashley Strauch
Mentor: Monica Skewes
Perceptions of Problem Drinking Among ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥n College Students
Ariadne Wattum
Mentor: Bethany Marx
Costume Design Thesis Project
Bennet Chen Wong
Wildlife Biology & Conservation
Mentor: Kevin Winker
Wintering Assemblage of Arctic Warblers in the Philippines
Ian Wilkinson
Mentor: Todd Paris
Jeff Benowitz
Geophysical Institute (GI)
To fund rock thermochronology analysis for a student research project
Gary Laursen
Honors College
To train student in the art of digitizing slides
Andres Lopez
To develop molecular biology tools and design/implement a study of juvenile fish.
Elena Vayndorf
Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)
To fund travel to the International C. elegans Conference
Claudia Ihl
Northwest Campus
To support student travel to the Western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum (Nome, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥)
Alexei Rybkin
To support graduate students serving as mentors of undergraduate students
Matthew Balazs
Geophysical Institute (GI)
To support the awardee in mentorship of undergraduate students
Ian Wilkinson
Mentor: James Brashear
Nicole Torre
Natural Resource Management &
Wildlife Biology
Mentor: Elena Sparrow
Daniela Wilner
Biology & Wildlife
Mentor: Kevin McCracken
Breanne Gilbert
Mentor: Julie Hagelin
Thomas Edwards
Quantum Information
Mentor: Channon Price
Mark Evans
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
Sean Gueco
Mentor: Jeffrey May
Max Hessner-Knoll
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mentor: Brian Edmonds
Adrina Knutson
Mentor: Leonard Kamerling
Zachary Krehlik
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Julie Hagelin
Jonathan Nations
Mentor: Link Olson
Ashley Strauch
Mentor: Ellen Lopez
Charles Allison
Mentor: Terrence Cole
Pacific Northwest Phi Alpha Theta Conference (Spokane, Washington).
Spring 2012
Lyle Axelarris
Civil Engineering
Mentor: Keith Whitaker
Western ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum (Dillingham, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥).
Spring 2012
Jessica Eicher
Geology & Geophysics
Mentor: Elisabeth Nadin
Fieldwork: Nelchina Glacier (Chugach Mountains, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥).
Spring 2012
Andrew Paxson
Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Denise Thorsen
National NASA University Student Launch Initiative (Huntsville, Alabama).
Spring 2012
Jessica Pugh
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mentor: Thomas Kuhn
Experimental Biology Conference (San Diego, California).
Spring 2012
Mariah Ver Hoef
Mentor: Patrick Plattet
Fieldwork: Ute Native American Culture in the State of Colorado.
Spring 2012
Ian Wilkinson
Mentor: James Brashear
National Counsel on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) Conference (Seattle, Washington).
Spring 2012
Joshua Barry
Mentor: Maya Salganek
Fieldwork: A Bridge Near Fairbanks.
Fall 2012
Mark Evans
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
39th Annual Meeting of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (Kodiak,
Fall 2012
Elizabeth Goldsmith
Biological Sciences
Mentor: Karsten Hueffer
Rabies in the Americas (RITA) Conference (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
Fall 2012
Tiffany Green
Geoscience & Geophysics
Mentor: Jennifer Hutchings
American Geophysical Union (AGU) (San Francisco, California).
Fall 2012
Steven Hall
Mentor: Mareca Guthrie
Fieldwork: Tok & Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥
Fall 2012
Kayla Harrison
Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Don Morton
Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing (Baltimore, Maryland).
Fall 2012
Patricia McCall
Fisheries & Biology
Mentor: Trent Sutton
39th Annual Meeting of the ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (Kodiak,
Fall 2012
Ashley Strauch
Mentor: Ellen Lopez
Behavioral Sciences Conference of the North's 28th Annual Meeting (Anchorage, ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥).
Fall 2012
Grant Cain
Mentor: Dave Verbyla
PRISM Mapping of GPS data of the Castner Glacier
John Chiment
Computer Science
Mentor: Orion Lawlor
Enhancing Network Bandwidth
Alaina Ctibor
Mentor: Ellen Lopez
Cancer Survivorship
Thomas Edwards
Mentor: Channon Price
Quantum Information
Mark Evans
Mentor: Andrew Seitz
Atlantic Halibut Fisheries
Lisa Guffey
Art History
Mentor: Mary Goodwin
Provenance of Rockwell Jones Painting
Sarah Henchion
Mentor:Rainer Newberry
Distinguishing Gold-bearing Pyrite
Sam Herreid
Mentor: Anthony Arendt
Quantifying Debris-induced Glacial Melt
Joel Isaak
Fine Art
Mentor: Da-ka-xeen Mehner
ÀÖ»¢Ö±²¥ Native Art with Animal Skins
Kyoko Okano
Mentor: Sydonia Bret-Harte
Plant Production and Climate Change
Cyrena Parker
Mentor: Lena Vayndorf
Aging and Neurodegeneration
Kate Rubin
Mentor: Link Olson
Climate Change and Small Mammal Body Size
Jason Theis
Mentor: Erin Petit
Analysis of Remote Sensing Images of Ice Shelf
Rebekah Tsigonis
Mentor: Elizabeth Nadin
Rock Flow Deep Inside Fault Zones
Mindona Krzykowski
62nd International Astronautical Federation Congress
Cape Town, South Africa.
Fall 2011
Terrence Cole
To accompany students to present papers at the Phi Alpha Theta Northwest Regional History Conference in Spokane, Washington
Leonard Kamerling
To engage a film student in an ongoing ethnographic film/applied visual anthropology research project that addresses the problem of indigenous urban migration.
Jeffrey May
To attend the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (Ogden, Utah)
Andrew Seitz
Travel and supply funding to develop and mentor an undergraduate student research
initiative in Fisheries.
Nilima Hullavarad
To support two Advanced Materials Group undergraduate students at the Institute of
Northern Engineering completing individual/research credit courses.